Warning of dangerous weather first came on the edge of the so far strongest hurricane at home 3. december 1999.

Seven people died, and there was damage of 13 billion dollars, when a hurricane devastated Denmark 3. december 1999.

The fateful day 20 years ago still sits in the body at vagtchef Thyge Rasmussen, the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI).

– It was violent, and it came very close, he says.

I sat on the third floor of the DMI, and I can remember that the windows klirrede and gave up. That blew also the roof tiles down, and it was more luck than sense, my own car, which held in the courtyard, were not hit.

Decemberorkanen 1999 is the so far strongest hurricane that has hit Denmark.

Forecasters had seen that something violent was in store.

We were well aware that it was one of the bad. But it was going to be the century hurricane, had we not just seen coming, says Thyge Rasmussen.

Vejrmodellerne was not as accurate as today, and you didn’t know exactly which lane lavtrykket would take over Denmark.

Moreover, there was not the same varslingsberedskab as today, where the DMI in the event of hazardous weather advisories police and emergency response.

– We had gale force winds and stormvarsler primarily with the purpose of shipping and the warning of increased water levels in the Wadden sea as our official duties.

– But we had no agreements with the police and the emergency response to presage matadorbet what we today call the hazardous weather, explains Thyge Rasmussen.

the Pressure of the media was not as big as today, but the weatherman remembers that he went through in the radio news at the DR every hour to give a status.

the Hurricane drew a trail of devastation after, and the insurance companies sees the damage to the 13 billion kronor.

the Hurricane went hard out of the Danish forests, and up to four million cubic meters of timber snapped like matchsticks during the strong gusts.

Fallen trees also led to blocked roads and damaged højspændingsmaster.

As the guard was past 23 o’clock, it was over on a very unusual day for Thyge Rasmussen.

– It was probably a bit reckless, but I was actually home in my car. It was a dramatic trip, where everything possible flew through the air.
