“If anyone, I don’t know, interfering in my private life, so I can be pretty irritated, to say it nicely.”

How does it sound on the solid but from the 32-year-old Morten Nielsen, over a scratchy phone connection.

He is one of them, who have read and commented on B. T.’s article on the 29-year-old Ebru Elina, who always contacts unfaithful men lovers.

Morten Nielsen is far from agree with the support, she from the many received, after she at the weekend opened the debate about whether you actually bear a responsibility in relation to other people’s infidelity.

Opposite her think that Morten Nielsen does not, that one should interfere in other people’s privacy.

At least not as long as one does not know the people involved.

“now, If it was your brother, where it was discovered his girlfriend was unfaithful to him, so I think you can mix. But it is about whether there is a relationship,” says Morten Nielsen.

He is afraid that the whole thing can quickly develop into one big ‘sladrebutik’, as he himself called it.

And he thinks that the people who contact unfaithful people, boyfriends, ‘should find themselves another hobby to go up in’.

The position he gave to know in the comments section under the article on Ebru Elina, and he sat thus the debate further in time especially to those that pay tribute to her work.

‘She makes absolutely everyone a service,’ writes one Facebook user, while another backs up and writes that it is a nice idea to contact the utroskabsramte gf to get the problem:

‘Adultery is something cursed mess, and unfortunately there are berøringsangst to ‘squeal’ effect.’

But Morten Nielsen is therefore deeply disagree and believe that the people there are too busy with each other.

“You should generally not interfere in the privacy of others. There must be limits. Also in relation to how serious it is. It is not because, as such, is someone who dies of it is infidelity, even if it is not, of course, is in order,” says Morten Nielsen, who themselves are single.

It is a few years ago, he was last in a relationship, and he has no experience with infidelity in the luggage, but he feels, nevertheless, that he has some insight:

“You should not just believe everything you hear, I have learned along the road of life.”

Would you be annoyed if someone you knew told you that your gf cheated on you?

“yes and no. I would think: ‘How do they know that, and it’s just something they say to embarrass me?’ I would be in doubt about whether or not they actually said it in order to help or just to create discord.”

you Can understand them, that pays tribute to Ebru Elina to contact the adulterous men’s lovers?

“Yes, easily. I think it is a natural thing, that girls are more sensitive to that sort of thing.”

So you think it is gender-based?

“Yes, I think girls are more sensitive on the topic from the nature’s side.”

You believe then, that women are more sensitive to infidelity?

“Yes. Of course, men too, but girls have more feelings in it, where men probably just become more angry and aggressive.”