Erdogan persists and signs. This Saturday, 15 August, the Turkish president said that ” sanctions and threats don’t deter conduct energy research in an area of the eastern Mediterranean disputed Ankara and Athens. The head of State Recep Tayyip Erdogan, during his speech broadcast on television, has added : “On this issue, our country was entirely right and we will defend our rights using all the means at our disposal “. “We will not retreat before the sanctions and threats “, he stated.

These statements come at a time when tensions are reinforced in the eastern Mediterranean, where the discovery in recent years of large gas deposits has sharpened the appetite of the riparian countries. On Monday, Ankara has deployed a research vessel seismic, escorted by warships, in an area claimed by Greece, sparking the anger of Athens.

Read also the Face of the Turkey, the timid support of the United States to France

on Friday, the foreign ministers of the countries of the european Union gathered to show their solidarity with Greece, calling for de-escalation. The Greek government calls to take concrete steps against Ankara and the european countries must again discuss the situation in the eastern Mediterranean during a meeting in late August.

The reports tend between France and Turkey

France, whose relations with Turkey have become strained in recent months, has reinforced Thursday its military presence in the eastern Mediterranean to support Athens. Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country was ready for dialogue, but is again took a virulently Saturday to Greece, notably Athens to mistreat the minority muslim and turkic-speaking on its territory. The Greek authorities ” must immediately put an end to measures which are similar to the State terrorism. There are attacks on our mosques and our schools “, said the Turkish president, without specifying more about it.

writing will advise you

In the Mediterranean, the battle of the gas is launched