Who is supplying to private-for-age, should make, when you Settle the amounts nothing wrong. This way, you avoid the tax statement that you give away money unnecessarily.

you Have completed the tax Declaration of 2019 already? The deadline is on the 31. July 2020. Who is supplying private-for-age, should make, when you Settle the amounts nothing wrong.

tax Declaration 2019: This error should Pension savers

For the tax return 2019 you should write this date in the calendar: at the Latest on 31. July 2020 , you must submit the completed forms to the tax office. Who is supplying also private, should pay attention to the Discontinuation of the retirement plans*posts to give away due to wrong entries by mistake of money, so the Council of the financial service provider MLP.

Generally, consumers that fill out your tax return digital, and, submit, have an advantage: The Software takes the previous year’s data and in most cases the notes, if the user enters something wrong.

The financial services provider, MLP is called, however, the possible sources of error : “for Riester and basic pension in fact, government funding, you need to enter the contributions in the right place: savers can apply per year, a maximum of 2,100 euros in the Appendix ‘AV'”, notify the service provider on its website. “The information contained in this form, then the tax calculates automatically whether savers with the Riester allowance better, or with the deduction of special expenses.”

Still more errors when Entering a base-pension and is often combined with occupational disability supplementary insurance, the experts. “The total annual contribution is to be entered in row 8 of the investment ‘supply of effort'”, so your Council. Many Taxpayers would enter this instead by mistake in line 47, for “voluntary independent acquisition and disability insurance”.

read : the tax Declaration of 2019: This Post will bring you a lot of money from the state

tips for tax return in 2019 – so you don’t give away unnecessary money

The tax office, however, taxpayers is not informed about this error and refunded, depending on the income no cents, as the financial services provider warns. Only contributions to the self-employed occupational disability insurance would be entered here.

a tip the experts: contributions to funded occupational pension scheme* (bAV) are not specified in the tax statement, “for the payment of contributions via the payroll directly from the employer”. In the direct insurance contributions in the amount of up to eight per cent of the contribution assessment ceiling of the statutory pension insurance (BBG DRV) is exempt from tax (2019: 6.432 Euro). To social insurance for four percent of the BBG DRV (2019: 3.216 Euro Euro) to be.

“Offers the employer the bAV-the implementation of ways of provident Fund or pension, the contributions for these paths in the full amount tax-free. The contributions are borne by the employer, you are also in full exemption from social security contributions”, shall inform the MLP in addition. “Contributions in the framework of a salary conversion, in addition to those of a direct insurance of up to four percent of the BBG DRV exemption from social security contributions.”

read: tax policy for pensioners – the you should: better now

tax return Not unnecessary money

contributions to health and nursing care insurance could be employed for 2019 in the amount of the Basic coverage in full in the tax statement schedule give away. “These must be listed in the “provision expense” in the lines 11 to 44.” The actual expenditure would exceed the maximum amount for other benefit expenses of 1,900 euros (self-employed: 2,800 euros), could be recognized for the entire amount.

For Married of the amount in the case of joint taxation is doubled, therefore, also. Also parents could make, more recently, the health insurance premiums of the tax to be considered children as a special expenditure schedule, if you are in cash or in kind maintenance.

Permanent the sum of of health care compulsory insurance contributions below the eligible maximum amount, could Rated up to their maximum limit to make additional provision for expenses in the lines 47 and 48 indicate, shall notify the MLP more. “In addition, liability-, accident – or disability insurance, for example.”

“the professional’s share of a contribution to the legal protection insurance workers can make tax-deductible. Many insurers report this share explicitly in the bill,” says Michael Schwarz, head of property insurance at the financial services provider MLP. This Contribution can explain to the employees as advertising costs in the plant N.

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