According to a survey, half of people in Germany often worry about their finances. This was the result of a survey by the British market research company Opinion Matters for Weltsparen, the investment platform of the Berlin fintech Raisin.

Despite high inflation and loss of purchasing power, almost 50 percent of the 5,018 adults currently rate their financial situation as stable.

However, many of those surveyed said they were unable to save money – mostly because their disposable income was not enough to save, as 44 percent said. When asked about the biggest obstacles to saving, just over one in five said a lack of trust in financial institutions and a lack of financial knowledge.

Overall, the participants in the survey conducted at the beginning of August this year are optimistic about the future: almost 46 percent are optimistic that their financial situation will improve in the next six months. A good third (around 38 percent) assume that their own financial situation will not change during this period. Almost 17 percent of the 5,018 adults surveyed expect things to get worse.