Students at The Faculty of Humanities at the UNIVERSITY believe that a new agreement ensures their education of professionalism.

In more than a month students in The Faculty of Humanities at University of Copenhagen, blocked for a administrationsgang and dekanatet – also known as the management – because of dissatisfaction with future plans.

Now repeals the students of the blockade, as it has entered into a preliminary cooperation agreement, and a new målplan for 2021-2024.

It informs the students in a press release.

According to them is the 38 days long blockade of one of the longest studenterblokader in the history of denmark.

– With the agreement and målplanen signed our blockade has served its duty.

– It means that we lift the blockade, then the staff, which, unfortunately, has been trapped because of this unnecessary, protracted conflict, once again be meeting at work in the morning, Thursday, at 8 o’clock, in the press release.

the Agreement and målplanen has been concluded on Wednesday after a several hours long meeting between the involved parties.

The students believe, that they’ve got some of their main want through, by fagsammenlægninger, so-called broad bachelorindgange and bredbåndsuddannelser, not included in the new målplan.

– Current and future students in the Humanities can therefore look forward to their education of professionalism is not being downsized and destroyed, as was foreshadowed in the previous, now scrapped målplan, write the students.

Current and prospective students can also look forward to the leadership is now legally bound to involve the students in important decisions that would eventually come to affect all of the faculty, says.

– The student must no longer be kept going, while management makes decisions over the heads of them, and we see the cooperation agreement and målplanen as a decisive victory in the road to a real studenterdemokrati.

According to the University’s website The Faculty of Humanities university of approximately 9000 students, 800 researchers and teachers and 450 administrative staff.

the Courses offered at the faculty covers nearly 40 languages and 30 subjects with a focus on history, culture, aesthetics, media, cognition and communication.
