the Milder climate of Denmark makes it possible to grow sølvgran as a christmas tree. And the tree is attractive, believes the researcher.

the Danes will in the future the opportunity to dance around a more sustainable and ecological christmas tree.

It has been possible to grow sølvgran as a christmas tree in Denmark, which have not hitherto been possible because of the climate.

Sølvgran, also called the nobilis, is a robust tree, which is not affected by diseases and insects. Therefore, it is not very often necessary to use pesticides to cultivation, and it is possible to grow organically.

The milder climate in Denmark, that it is now possible to grow sølvgran as christmas trees, says Ulrik Bräuner, who is a senior fellow at the Institute of Geosciences and nature Management, University of Copenhagen.

– Sølvgran as the christmas tree is already in demand, but they are difficult to produce. The tree’s buds and the top takes damage of frosts and cold, which has made it difficult to grow as a christmas tree, because they can easily become crooked.

– Therefore, the wood is primarily used for greenery. But with a milder climate in Denmark – and with better cultivation techniques, it has been easier to get beautiful trees, he says.

Ulrik Bräuner, along with other researchers at the University of Copenhagen has been working to find some new and more sustainable tree species, which can be used as christmas trees.

Here is sølvgran a really good offer, think Ulrik Bräuner.

– We work for a better seeds, so it can be easier to grow good and beautiful christmas trees sølvgran.

– Sølvgran has also an incomparable durability within doors, and then sprinkles it, which makes it attractive to have in the living room, he says.

Sølvgran strains from north America, but has been in Denmark for over a hundred years.

the most popular christmas tree in the last 20 years has been the nordmann fir, but now the researchers hope that there will also be wagered on sølvgran.

however, It is not just provisional, that all danes will be able to secure a christmas tree of sølvgran.

Ulrik Bräuner estimate that there’s probably going to go ten years before it will be easy to get a hold of.

– Things take time. Some manufacturers have focused on planting christmas trees sølvgran.

– But it takes up to six years to grow a christmas tree – and sølvgranen can take even longer, he says.

With a business enterprise with export earnings of over a billion kroner Denmark is one of the largest exporters of christmas trees in Europe.
