The number of hope is 10. Because 10 percent with the share of women in over 100 business lines dergrössten Swiss companies in the year 2020. This is the new “Schilling report”of a HR consultant Guido Schilling. Already to 15. Time Swiss companies were questioned on the topic of women in leadership positions from him. And for the first time, the proportion of women in senior management has reached a two-digit value. Last year, a nine before a seven-stand at this point.

“This development shows, in my view, that the Swiss company will make in the next few years a further strong push in the direction of gender equality,” says Guido Schilling. Overall, the largest Swiss employer occupied in the past year, every fifth vacancy in the Executive Board with a woman. Today, 94 women in the Executive boards of Swiss companies are to be found.

The Pipeline of the company seigefüllt with employees, which would also be promoted increasingly in-house. This means that The companies realize that they need to build women internally, in order to have more candidates for management positions. With 61 percent of the more than half of new female senior management were promoted to members within your company. The proportion of men is 59 percent, a little deeper.

With the Numbers of the “shilling reports” also show that in the case of the Swiss company is still a great need to catch up: of the With 53 percent, just over half of all women in the Executive Board. And even with these only a maximum of two are it.

“Sure is little, but women will apply more in the case of a company with women in management, than one with a male workforce,” says shilling. Companies that do not create it, attract women, would sooner or later dry up. The goal is to promote more women in management positions, see shilling as a generation project with three phases. The first Phase is called the sensitization phase, is now complete.

Now, the awareness phase, in which the company increased the proportion of women in its business lines result. In these bodies, but gender equality had been achieved, need it is safe for another ten years, says the HR consultant. But the breakthrough was made.In the next few years, the chaff will be separated from the wheat. The winners are the companies that allowed their employees, a running track parallel to the building were then. The third Phase, normalization phase, in which a gender equality belong to the normal case seems to be thus far.

Something better, the proportion of women in boards of Directors. In the past year, National decided to Council and Council of States that the stock exchange must justify the listed company, if you have less than 30 percent women in boards of Directors. Compared to last year, the proportion of women rose from 21 percent to 23 percent. Company occupied loud shilling almost every third vacant Board of Directors mandate with a woman. In absolute Numbers, 189 administration, councillors and 636 members of the Board in 90 examined boards of Directors are sitting today. With an annual increase of two percentage points in the 30-percent mark should be broken in according to shilling in four years.

which sounds promising, is still little. In comparison with 17 European countries, Switzerland ranks on the penultimate place – only Greece, with 10 percent fewer women in boards of Directors. The tip of France leads with a share of women of 45 percent. Closely followed by Norway (40 per cent) and Sweden (38 percent). If you look at the Swiss 23 percent accurate, shows that there are still too few women reach the very top: in addition to Monika Ribar of the SBB or Ursula Nold from the Migros-genossenschafts-Bund, only five women occupy the Post of the Chairman of the Board in one of the 100 largest Swiss companies.

Created: 06.03.2020, 11:34 PM