Google is the most preferred reference book. Here you can find everything about everything. But what have the danes sought the most on this year?

on Wednesday, Google has, by tradition, published the list of the most searched words, issues, people, and much more.

So what are the most googled words? You are probably not surprised, for it is, of course, the Aula. The platform most parents love to hate.

the List of the five most googled words looks like this:

AulaRasmus PaludanAnders Holch PovlsenResultatet of the EU-valgetLuke Perry

Not surprising, either, so is the much vaunted leader of the liberal party firm, Rasmus Paludan, also high on the list of most googled people.

the List of most searched danes looks like this:

Rasmus PaludanAnders Holch PovlsenOle StephensenFie LauersenMaster Fatman

But we know all along that Google most of all is the place where we can get the answers to all the questions as we go and are wondering.

Here comes the list of the most googled questions:

Who should I vote for?Why were cornflakes invented?What should I vote in the EU?What dead Master Fatman of?Who takes care of our children?

the Question comes in many forms. For example, we use also Google to ask where we find the best recipe, when there is occasion to take the cake with at work or in school.

Just cake is also in the top of the list this year.

the List of which words we use most often has sat after the ‘best’ comes here:

BrownieCampingplads in DanmarkCookiesFilm on NetflixPodcast

2019 was the year where a skoleplatform, firm-politician, recipes of brownie and wondering why cornflakes were invented, some of it, which occupied us the most.