The socialist Mathieu Klein, 44, has won on Sunday the second round of the municipal election in Nancy, ahead of the radical in the outgoing Laurent Hénart to become the first mayor of the left city rooted to the right for 73 years. “The emotion is really strong. It is a victory that, to me, represents a huge responsibility, and I measure”, said on France bleu sud Lorraine Mathieu Klein, who wins with 54,54 % of the vote in the face of Laurent Hénart (45,46 %), according to the final results sent by the prefecture of Meurthe-et-Moselle. The abstention amounted to 57,78 % in this city of 106,000 inhabitants, according to the prefecture.

“The Nancéiens have chosen to write a new page in their history, have chosen a project, ecological and solidarity-oriented development, and urban planning reconciler,” said Mr. Klein, saying that he would “do justice to the work of all those who (the)preceding it, and, notably, André Rossinot, and Laurent Hénart”. “I have felt these last days the part of many of the inhabitants as a requirement of victory. There was a desire that was expressed, and, for some, it was necessary that this time it is good,” said Mathieu Klein, president of the departmental council of Meurthe-et-Moselle for 2014.

Read also Matthew Klein the balancing act

“We all have a heavy heart”

His victory puts an end to the era André Rossinot, former mayor emblematic of Nancy (1983-2014), who was a deputy, minister and president of the radical Party. The election of his successor, Laurent Hénart, 2014 had extended the influence of the politician in lorraine, who has transformed the city at the option of urban renewal. Very present during the outbreak of coronavirus, Laurent Hénart, 51 years old, explained his disappointing score in the first round, in particular by the very low participation (37,10 %).

“We all have a heavy heart, we have defended a project in which we place not only our ideas, but our love for Nancy. However, the law of democracy must be of course respected”, has since responded to its permanent policy Laurent Hénart. “I called Matthew Klein to congratulate him on his election. For my part, I will be committed to the service of the city as I have been since the beginning of my public commitment that, since I joined the radical Movement in 1988, was made to Nancy and can’t be done elsewhere,” he added, with emotion in his voice. In the first round, with 37,89 % of the votes, Mathieu Klein had moved ahead of the list (MR-LR-LREM-MoDem) Laurent Hénart (34,71 %) and environmentalists (10,24 %).

also Read How Nancy became a metropolis

writing will advise you

Title + bold // The municipal elections and the birth of a new political landscape The new horizons of Greater Nancy