Danish dermatologists are sounding the alarm over a wave of scabies, which has hit the people over the last year.

“We see fnatpatienter almost every day. Earlier we saw one a month, now we see more every day. This is a significant increase,” says chief physician Carsten Sand from the Dermato-Venereology Department at Bispebjerg Hospital.

“There is talk about a significant pressure. We have a akutstue, which is loaded with fnatpatienter. We may well follow, but looks like a different solution, than that it alone is us who take care of the problem.”

And now it seems that there is someone higher up in the system, those who have listened to the criticism.

the Danish medicines agency informs on Thursday that will make it easier for the danes to get the medicine they need to get scabies to life.

‘Until now it has only been dermatologists, who have been able to search the Danish medicines agency to obtain a so-called general compassionate, but because of the long waiting times at hudlægerne and in light of the pending fnatudbrud in the country has the Danish medicines agency has now decided also to give practitioners the opportunity to get a general compassionate use,’ inform the Danish medicines agency in a press release.

Usually treated with scabies with the so-called nix-cream, as practitioners can print.

But if it does not work, patients must use the funds as Tenutex or tablets Stromectol and Scabioral. It is these three fnatmidler, which until now only have been to dermatologists or centers that have been able to prescribe

It has obviously created a bottleneck as fnattilfældene have piled up.

“In the past year, I think, that the problem has been increasing. I also have colleagues from other departments, saying they Casinomaxi have too many patients. It is not only in Gauteng. That’s how it is in several places abroad,” says the chief physician Mette Deleuran Department of Clinical Medicine, Skin and Venereal diseases at the University of Aarhus.

“There are not many dermatologists – especially in Western denmark. It is a difficult task, when there sudden comes a lot of patients, and there is also a small capacity.”

But now, the situation seems to, that some of the pressure on specialists, will be facilitated.