the Project will run over five weeks, where students of seven schools to deliver the cell phone in the morning.

Snapchats, sahabet TikTok videos and messenger messages will be banned with a number of children in 4. to 6. class as part of a new attempt.

Here, a group of researchers from the University of Southern denmark (SDU) to identify if mobilfrie playtime increases children and young people’s physical activity level.

It writes the SDU in a press release.

the Project is called “Mobile-free district” and will run over five weeks, where pupils in the secondary at seven schools across the country to dispose of mobile phones in the morning.

Then, a group of researchers examine the impact on the children’s bevægelsesadfærd and social interaction in the break.

Research has previously identified barriers, which have a negative influence on children’s physical activity in the break. It is factors such as the weather, lack of space and lack of facilities.

– But we know not actually with certainty what concrete effect a mobilfrit recess has on children’s bevægelsesadfærd and social interaction.

And this is what we would very much like to be clued in conjunction with the schools and the students, explains assistant professor at the UNIVERSITY of southern denmark and the initiator, Charlotte Pawlowski.

along the Way in the experiment follows the scientists the students with systematic observations of their bevægelsesadfærd and social interaction during recess.

Students will not be asked alternatives to the cell phone in the break during the experiment.

in Addition, collect project data through questionnaires before and during the experiment.

After the experiment are the results of the project passed on to the country’s municipalities and schools.

– It is not a forbudsprojekt against mobiles at school, if we find out that several moves. But we would like to create knowledge and debate about the use of mobiles, says Charlotte Pawlowski.

the Project runs from november 2019 to april 2021, with support from the Nordeafonden.
