800 parents tells how poverty affects children. The government’s new subsidy whims, but not enough.

Poverty is about money, but also about loneliness and fear of giving his children a bad childhood.

About to buy a new winter coat to the oldest and let the younger go in rubber boots. About the comrades who will no to eat with, so there must something good on the table, and it is expensive.

While the Danish Parliament has this week considered a bill on a temporary subsidy to the poor families, so as to give a new study from the Danish mothers ‘ aid a voice to some of the families, as it is all about.

the 800 mothers and fathers on the public benefits involved in the study.

the Answers testify that poverty has many faces, “says director of the Danish mothers’ aid Ninna Thomsen.

– When the economy is in decline, as it has implications for whether one can give his children a healthy packed lunch in school, and whether they can go for recreation.

Casinovale But also for one’s social life. We can see that many feel shame at the way they live, says Ninna Thomsen.

There is no official poverty line in Denmark, but it is estimated that 64.500 children in 2017 lived in relative poverty.

The new grant, which the government and its supporting parties are behind, it is estimated, according to a previous response from the ministry of Employment to promise 6100 children out of poverty. Therefore, about every tenth child.

It is a step on the way, says Ninna Thomsen.

– There are mothers and fathers who return every penny, and therefore get the grant importance. But it is only a small part of the families, which are lifted above the poverty line, and for those who do, it is not a lasting solution.

At Aalborg University, is a sociologist and researcher in the poverty Morten Ejrnæs agree that the grant is only a band-aid on the wound.

– the Poverty is devastating for all. Especially for the children, as each day in the school are reminded that they do not have and can be the same as others. Parents can more easily withdraw from the communities and thus better able to protect themselves, says Morten Ejrnæs.

The tax-free subsidy, as, for example, will give single parents extra 600 dollars per child per month, will be paid from January.

It is aimed at the recipients of integrationsydelse and benefit claimants who are affected by kontanthjælpsloftet.
