The abuses in the meat industry are already known for a long time. According to the Corona-outbreaks in the battle requirements are tightened to be operated. The Federal Minister of labour also sees Germany’s Reputation in the EU and announces measures.

Düsseldorf/Berlin (dpa) – The scandal of working conditions in the meat industry and to the Corona-are exacerbated outbreaks standards for the industry.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the meat industry Workers in the future, at least two Times per week on the Coronavirus test, such as the state Ministry for work and health, said in Düsseldorf. Background to the measure a number of larger Corona are operated outbreaks in a battle. The Vice-Chairman of the SPD group in the Bundestag, Katja Mast, demanded that Workers be tested in the meat industry on a nationwide basis, the Corona-Virus: “If necessary, several times. Work safety is always the protection of health.”

Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, announced in the “world on Sunday” in July, the court fixed the law on the prohibition of contracts for work and temporary Agency work in the core area of the industry present. It was “legally challenging, but doable”. If it is, according to him, could take the law into force this year.

before the largest German Corona outbreak in the battle Tönnies operation, the Cabinet had decided to outline for revisions to problematic work stations, conditions in the battle to stop. The core of a far-reaching prohibition of contracts for work for 1 is. January 2021 – so that the complete execution of Work for subcontractors will be purchased.

At the same time, healing is not stressed, the only, the company Tönnies. This was strongly advised into the criticism, after many employees had been infected with the Coronavirus. The scandal of working conditions damage Germany’s relations in the EU: “in Europe There are substantial discussions about how bad we deal with the Romanian people. The same applies in Bulgaria. We need to change urgently.” He wanted to put the issue in the framework of the German EU-presidency on the agenda.

the EU Commission Also wants to tackle the Problem of poor working conditions in the meat industry, now rapidly on the European level. EU social Commissioner Nicolas Schmit said the Funke media group, “we must now act quickly and can’t talk for many years about law texts”. Other EU member countries have already submitted years ago, complaints about the German meat industry due to unfair competition. “But socially ill-protected and discriminated against seasonal workers, there is not only in Germany but also in other EU countries, for example in the Netherlands or in southern Europe,” said Schmit.

From the point of view of the German trade Union Federation (DGB) has to pour the Federal government, the vertices of the Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) for better working conditions in the meat industry as soon as possible in legislative form. “All is clear: It is now in need of binding rules and laws, no declarations of intent,” said DGB Board member Anja Piel of the “Rheinische Post”.

Federal agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner (CDU) penetrates to a change in the meat industry. It is advertising for a welfare levy, and to take action against Dumping prices. The Greens insist on rapid reforms and urge Klöckner, not announcements. Faction leader Anton Hofreiter called for in the Newspapers of the Funke media group, among other things, a binding animal husbandry and origin labelling, as there are for eggs already.

the chief of The Union faction in the Bundestag, Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU), called for the “Rheinische Post” the retail, advertising with cheap meat products to refrain from. Bauer, President Joachim Rukwied advocates that meat as a valuable food deserve more “appreciation”. This must Express itself also in the prices, he told the “Passauer Neue Presse” (Saturday). From the point of view of the FDP group in the Bundestag Deputy Frank Sitta, the simple equation is “that an increase in the meat prices leads to more welfare, better worker and environmental protection”. Instead, agriculture must become more independent of state funding.

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