such As the “food newspaper” reported, the preparations for the conversion are already in full swing. Through an Acquisition in the autumn of the country of purchase could still benefit from the Christmas sales in 2020. And, where the retail giant achieved for quite some time already record sales. The agreement between the Investor SCP, and the country of purchase through the sale of the Real branches, although not yet approved by the cartel office, the decision should fall soon.

country of purchase takes Real stores: the supplier shall, for each new market

figures For the new branches, which in future should belong to the country of purchase, the trader has already concrete ideas: The supplier shall pay for each new market money. Old supplier contracts contain fixed amounts for each new market. In the case of new contracts, there will be a percentage of sales, per taken over the market, which is between 0.01 and 0.02 percent, based on the dealer-made gross sales.

Also, the range of buying land is much smaller than the Real. The listing prospects of many manufacturers therefore look bleak, and many of them will no longer be able to stand in the country of purchase on the shelf. “This is fierce, especially since we have to assume that it is a permanent condition”, – quotes the food newspaper from suppliers circles.

Real-in-chief Bojan Luncer wrote recently a letter to the supplier and made it clear that for now, everything should run as usual. As long as it is not yet decided which markets move on what what other traders, this is also true.

Also, Edeka, REWE and Globus want to Real stores

apply Originally, the speech was from 52 locations, now Edeka wants to take even more of the branches of Real. As the “food newspaper” reported, Edeka logged in recently, the cartel office for the Acquisition of 70 Real-locations.

interest in the purchase of Real markets, as expressed next to Kaufland and Edeka in addition, REWE and Globus. Even the owner of the SCP plans, the Deliveries of the stores in the last quarter of 2020. According to the “LZ” are not completed the negotiations but final.

closure of eight Real stores planned

Not all of the Real locations are to be continued in the future. As the group announced at the end of June, to be Herten, the markets in Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, Berlin-Spandau, Duisburg-Süd, West Holt, Frankenthal, Leißling-and-white closed-field rock, and bitter-Wolfen and Goslar in the next year. Approximately 700 employees are affected by the closures. The food magazine reported in a Podcast about it.

“the Background for this decision, in all cases, the difficult economic situation due to very high losses in the past few years,” a spokesman of was Real. SCP to be communicated from the beginning, that may be a total of 30 Real branches were threatened with closure. Further developments are to be seen here, but still. Temperatures soar to the top: the Azores brings up the long-awaited summer PCP temperatures soar to the top: the Azores brings up the long-awaited summer, middle finger scandal in the Thuringian Landtag, now Ramelow submit again to FOCUS Online/Wochit middle finger scandal in the Thuringian Landtag, now Ramelow submit again
