the Students must go less in school, if more should be proficient to read, believes the Conservatives and The SF.

If pupils in primary schools must be better to read, should the school day be shorter and the inclusion of pupils with special needs be improved.

It takes a Conservative undervisningsordfører, Mai Mercado.

– We will have to ensure better teacher training. We will have to look at inklusionsindsatsen, so there will be peace in the classroom. I also think that we should make the school day shorter. It is still very long.

– And so I think that we should have a less demanding target, so we create space for the professionalism, says Mai Mercado.

She points out that timeantallet already set up for the children in attendance, but that students on mellemtrinet and in udskolingen still have school days, that extends to far out in the afternoon.

According to the results of the latest national test of the school year 2018/2019 are 70 percent of the students “good” to read. It writes Jyllands-Posten.

Last year the figure was 72 percent, while in 2014/2015 was 74 percent.

The longer school days, as the rapporteur will to life, was a result of folkeskolereformen from 2013.

The Conservatives with in the Betebet settlement agreement on the reform together with the Danish people’s Party and the Left as well as the then government consisting of the Social democrats, The Radicals and SF.

Also, SF is dissatisfied with the skoledagens long. In fact, the party a long list of things that need to be done better in secondary school if students are to perform better academically – including become better readers.

But the party undervisningsordfører, Jacob Mark, at the same time stresses that the national tests should be taken with a grain of salt.

– If you want to achieve what you wanted with the reform – namely, to strengthen the pupils ‘ well-being and professionalism – we believe that one should make the school day shorter, make klassekvotienten less, and that there should be more hours with two adults, so the teachers have time for the children, says Jacob Mark.

From the Danish people’s Party is uddannelsesordfører Jens Henrik Thulesen Dahl, most of all, worried about the increasing digitization and the spread of iPads in education has impaired students ‘ læsekundskaber.

– It worries me especially when I see that the weakest students are not being lifted. For them, we have had very much focus on.

– I become afraid of, whether it is the digitization that shows his back here.

Jens Henrik Thulesen Dahl refers to studies that have shown that it is harder to read on a screen than in a physical book.

– We have a long time in the Danish people’s Party called for a study of when to use the iPads increase learning, and when it is negative for learning.
