To something misfortune is good, the health crisis has one advantage : it gives the bureaucrats a fantastic opportunity to indulge their passion, the writing of instructions. Since the déconfinement, they will give heart to joy, producing continuous jet of protocols, instructions, and specifications thick, precise, subtle, fussy. Much has been made of the ministry of national Education for the reopening of schools, a captivating document of 63 pages, an admirable attention to detail. The guidelines of the ministry of Sports for the disciplines allowed are not bad either, in their gender – how many square meters per person, how many people in the room, etc, You can imagine the delight of the specialists who have prepared such edicts.

Such is their craft, their art, their vocation : to codify the lives of others. In ordinary times, they are forced to temper their enthusiasm, not to become intrusive ; but these days, they can let go, the risk to the health of the permits at all. As they have reason to enjoy ! Far from me the idea to deny that their precautions are necessary ; I rejoice simply for the pleasure that they have taken to exercise their talent, humble consolation for all the tragedies born of the crisis.

Read also Sebastian The Fol – When the French will awake…

books in quarantine

public libraries are not immune to their drunkenness regulatory. The ministry of Culture has published a list of recommendations for communities, it remains to be quite brief – only thirteen pages. It must be said that the Street of Valois does not have the resources of other departments, she is forced to see small. In addition to the instructions on the disinfection of furniture, the movement of the public and the capacity of reception, the flagship measure of this protocol is to quarantine books after each loan, from three to ten days depending on whether the cover is plastic, the ten days may be reduced to three in the case of disinfection ” with a wipe impregnated with ethanol or isopropanol to a 70% respecting the drying time “. We are reassured : our books will be clean.

In the meantime, I imagine the rooms reserved for the quarantine, with their thousands of volumes pending, suspect, mangy, prisoners. This must be a strange spectacle ; the books themselves have to be surprised. Usually, they are removed from the circulation because of the danger of their content, not the container. The writers cursed that person doesn have to laugh : this time, the plague-stricken, in others.

Rush on the old stuff

All of this makes me think that a way to avoid contamination by way of books would be to borrow the volumes left behind, confined in any way since chandeliers in the nooks and crannies of the stores. Novels of the Nineteenth century, trials of the 1920s that no longer have seen the light of day for sometimes fifty years. The writer Michel Bulteau, to whom I had offered once to write a text on Henri de Regnier, had visited the library of the Arsenal, to go to Our meetings. To his surprise, he was given a copy… not cut ! Filed in 1963, the book had never been opened.

Seen in the perspective of the crisis, this anecdote indicates that the best guarantee against the virus is to do more reading now that books-Hibernatus, frozen for a long time on the shelves, unharmed, by definition, any threat. Librarians could make lists of stuff well healthy, by date of loan reversed. We ruerait the novels out of age that no one has requested since 1937, on volumes that are yellow smell musty. That we would be successful in the fashion ; it redécouvrirait nuggets. I have a few titles in mind. I am loath to say here, I would not want that someone plays around in front of me.

writing will advise you

Quiriny – After the attestation of displacement, the certificate of word Quiriny – Cover the mouth that I could not see Quiriny – Uchronie for a time of crisis Quiriny – Municipal : pour en finir avec les communes