For Price watchdog Stefan Meierhans as from December 2020, public transport, General tariff reductions, a “necessary and possible”. This he emphasized in his annual report in 2019, which he presented on Monday at a media conference in Bern.

The rates in the entire public transport (PT) have increased in the past continuously maintains Meier, Hans, especially in comparison to private transport: While the mileage in the motorized individual transport between 1990 and 2016, less than the national index of consumer prices rose, in contrast, the price development in public TRANSPORT far above the General inflation rate.

In the regional traffic of the Trend to the increasing burden of public TRANSPORT customers is obvious. Against the Backdrop of the looming reduction in costs (train-path prices) in the production of transport services “is, therefore, the Price of watchdogs, it is clear that, as from December 2020 General tariff reductions are necessary and possible”, it says in the report.

Longer distances cheaper than shorter

again and again for criticism and misunderstanding that got taken care of in the last few years, and side by side of route tariffs in the direct traffic and the various composite rates, it means more. The price supervisor references for years to the problems of the different tariff systems.

Until today, would not be offered, for example, supersaver tickets within the alliances and collaborative partnerships, which lead to longer routes cost less than shorter. From the point of view of the price inspector zuggebundene discounts on long-distance trains, are also placed within the groupings.

“Particularly disturbing”

For the gas market meierhans is in favour of a partial opening by means of a lean and rapid legal regulation, for example, in the pipe line act. On the proposed comprehensive regulation in a special act for the supply of gas should, however, be dispensed with, he advises. “Particularly disturbing” in the electricity market, the price monitoring finds duties cher, municipal, such as concession fees, which were primarily fiscal policy.

In the case of the parents ‘ contributions for young people and children in special education homes, which varied from Canton to Canton’s very strong, he proposes to reduce the contributions to a maximum of 16 francs per day.

Large tariff differences has placements of the price supervisor also in the cost of Home and social and educational Family accompaniments noted. The offer and its costs are also non-transparent. There is a need for action within the cantons and in their cooperation was in place.

“closely and critically” wants Stefan Meierhans, the revision of projects for cost containment in health insurance. And in the case of hearing AIDS, the press in Switzerland cost more than in other European countries, could help in his eyes a Central public procurement, and delivery in regional centres, the prices. (Dec/sda)

Created: 02.03.2020, 10:25 PM