It is a bit like the market: if you are not yet, who wants again? The Federal government wants to decide, after Pentecost, a stimulus package for the economy comes after the Corona-crisis again. You will need to distribute the billions already if you want to meet only a fraction of the many wishes. The coalition argues now is, what must the Whole cost. The Central question: when is overwhelmed by the state? “Free beer for all” was certainly in there, warned at the weekend, the head of the “economic wise men”, Lars field.

An Overview of the proposals and desires from the world of politics and the economy:

automobile premiums

The demand for new cars is almost unprecedented in the basement rustled. The industry, which is already in a difficult break in the direction of alternative drive systems, is hoping that the purchase premiums that the business is up and running again. Existing premiums for E-cars should be increased. In addition, it should provide incentives for the purchase of modern gasoline and Diesel engines – what is in the light of the climate crisis are extremely controversial.

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the family bonus and coupons

For families to engage under the arms and at the same time, demand in the retail trade, is a family bonus in the debate. Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, said plans according to the “mirror” that the parents for each child to receive 300 Euro. Cost: between five and six billion euros. The NRW state government has even proposed a Bonus of 600 euros per child to reward also to families who just need to master the balancing act between childcare and work at home. The CSU proposed a travel vouchers for your holiday in Germany.

assistance for companies

Many industries are also after the loosening of the Corona-pads on the ground. The Federal government wants to expand their aid programmes, therefore, for artists and showmen, but also for restaurant owners, Hotels and travel agencies. The industry wants an expansion of so-called Loss carry back. Companies could offset losses in the course of this year, more than previously, with profits from previous years, and put money in the cash register. In addition, it comes to the facilitation of depreciation and amortization, as well as a reduction in state bureaucracy. Economy Minister Peter Altmaier, the CDU, which has launched a “stress MOT” into the game for the already approved laws, which have not yet entered into force.

The employer warned, many companies are in need of immediately, i.e. even before a stimulus program to help. They propose a fast effective “bridging assistance Fund”. Also, Altmaier wants to push for an early further measures: “Some companies, remains simply no more time,” he said. You will experience Beate Sander live!

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current prices

In a European comparison, German electricity prices are high, therefore, many experts, citizens and companies are calling for a reduction to relieve. It is conceivable, the current tax on the European minimum rate einzudampfen. A further reduction of the EEG levy is in conversation. Field said, a relief is urgently needed, also because of 2021 starts the CO2-pricing in the case of buildings and transport – and both are probably more expensive.

relieve the municipalities of

Because of the tax break revenue, snatching the Corona-crisis, a huge hole in the coffers of the municipalities. Scholz wants to compensate – and in the same breath a debt haircut over hopelessly over-indebted municipalities to perform. Otherwise there is the risk that any crisis versickere help only in the debt hole, there is the Vice-Chancellor says. The Federation and the Länder will invest according to his Plan 57 billion euros. Especially the Union-led Länder, such as Bavaria, however, run the storm against the Plan. Of cities President, Burkhard Jung appealed on the weekend to the country. “If we get no help, then just savings and the budget remain a barrier,” he told the “daily mirror”.

infrastructure Development

The infrastructure in Germany needs to be modernized. This applies to dilapidated railway lines and bridges, but also for the digitisation and transformation. It often takes years for the Transmission or electricity pylons built. The result is that there is, especially on the country is still often bad reception and the Expansion of wind power increases. Therefore, not only planning and approval procedures should be accelerated, even more money is conceivable. The aim of the policy: The economic stimulus package should lead to a “Modernization” and the crisis will in order to Chance.

dispute over costs

now, the Federal government has due to the Corona pandemic, with 156 billion euros in debt is enormous – it is likely that additional loans are for the stimulus package, but still necessary. How much more can it cost 100 billion Euro 150 billion Euro or even more? CSU leader Markus Söder don’t want to ruin, that the Federal government is allowed to hold a maximum of 100 billion euros in additional debts to the state””. Also, Altmaier said: “We have to deal with the tax money of the citizens carefully and sparingly”.

the Scholz plant, according to the “mirror” with up to € 150 billion for the new stimulus package – how much of it would be debt-financed, however, is unclear. In General, the SPD is against a debt-ceiling. Economists warn: “A flat-rate upper limit can be in the worst case even harmful,” said the tax expert of the Cologne Institute for economic research, Martin Beznoska. “If you need a little more money to stimulate the economy or to make investments, and the interest rates are still very low.” Also, the President of DIW Berlin Marcel Fratzscher warns us not to demonize debt. It was important, what the money will be used. “If the state invested the money in education, Innovation and an efficient transport and digital infrastructure issues to generate this expenditure a lot of additional growth.”

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