What video game for his holidays ?
” The Last of Us 2 “. Survive in a world postapocalyptique.
as the summer begins, two exclusives on PlayStation 4 will prevent you from going to the beach. Naughty Dog comes out The Last of Us 2 , the long awaited sequel of an action game postapocalyptique imagining humanity tear itself apart in a world filled with zombies. He will Ghost of Tsushima, another action title produced by Sucker Punch, which takes place during the mongol invasion of Japan§ Lloyd ChÉry
Concept. The Twelfth century japanese, in the middle Kamakura period, had never been treated with such a degree of realism. Winner : Ghost of Tsushima.
Graphic. The beautiful cinematics of the tit…
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Topic led by Guillaume Grallet
Ed. Naughty Dog – Ed. Sucker Punch – IHES/FD – REfraction’VE
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