the initiators of The “Active school” in Penzberg encounter resistance at the government of upper Bavaria – because, supposedly, time limits have been missed. The initiators have of the government is now itself a period of up to 16. June set. Hide them enough they will submit expected to be a “failure to act”.

Penzberg – Actually, the initiators had gathered everything together, to start in September with an “Active school” in Penzberg: an educational concept, 17 children for the age-mixed class, two teachers and a kindergarten teacher, a rental option for a building, “The old station”, a financial plan and a loan option. At the end of March they had sent everything to Munich, the concept of the 2. February, in order to receive the Okay of the government of upper Bavaria.

government of upper Bavaria: the founder of the School miss deadlines

The authority was, however, no green light. The Team of Yvonne Schmerbeck and Juliane Malik have taken a lawyer. The chances are minimal that the government will veer in the short term, and it will be this year still something. The hopes for a start of School in September 2021.

Active school: initiators set themselves the government for a period of time

What irritates the initiators, is the way the government responded to the school’s Charter application. At the beginning of April, the response from Munich, that not all documents were available and the necessary application form had not been used, came first, Yvonne schmerbeck told. From a form you’ve known, but nothing, also on the website of the government it was not to be found, she says. At least, the government sent the form in your reply – the Team is filled out, and sent the documents back. The government’s response was then, so Schmerbeck, that the amendment was submitted late, you have no time for him to look at and also the concept is missing. This, says the co-initiator, it was already on 2. February sent. “You see, that’s how the tactics of the government of upper Bavaria”, so is your conclusion. “You tried to prevent it.” The school team also tried it via government President Maria Els, also without success. There, the team in penzberg were told that no special pedagogical interest in an “Active school” would be, because there is already a Montessori and Waldorf schools and the control schools had developed.

Active school: lawyer advises to go to court

The school’s initiators have taken a lawyer, Martin Straesser has experience with this. He is represented before the court also those initiators that wanted to start such a school with the same concept in Munich and Petershausen (there since 2009). He was advised to apply the “restitutio in Integrum”. Which is translated, The documents will be accepted and processed, because the deadline was guiltless failed. The initiators of the government for a period of up to 16. June.

Whose hope is low that a positive response comes from Munich. That is to say: “We have to complain,” says Schmerbeck. Lawyer Straesser’ve got to act. It is about the special pedagogical interest in the concept of “Active school”. “You trying to get rid of with the Argument that every concept has to be unique.” This is true but only for the perimeter, so the team in penzberg initiators, not on the whole of Germany coined. Also, the Argument that mainstream schools were so similar, can’t schmerbeck understand. “This is a completely different pedagogy.”

founder of the School hope at least September 2021 – new house looking for

If the school’s founding team will need to take legal action, “can we open this year to be no case,” says Schmerbeck. What attracts problems. The two teachers, she hopes, would remain at the bar. But the building “The old station” (used to be home to the Montessori school) but it will be little more free. “We will have to go back to search,” she says. In addition, it would need to be for September 2021, enough enrollments of children.

is A different question of when a court date is scheduled. For the founder of the School, it would be important if this year would be negotiated. In case of a victory you could start in January with info events. Parents had clarity quickly, says Schmerbeck. Now parents can leave their children for the school year 2021/22 on the website of the founder of the School register. Also, more supporters would be needed, she says, be it search of the Building and in the further preparation, but also as a donor. “As a process,” she says, “is not in vain.”

non-Binding registrations for the academic year 2021/22 are on the Internet “” it is possible. Questions via E-Mail to “juliane. active school@gmx“.

see also: VHS in Penzberg, starts again: “there are still”

And: HAP-Site in Penzberg: the mother of “Geiger Automotive” moves decision-making