The Radical Unity and DF affejer proposal for a common baseline scenario. SF will not shoot it down completely.

Pupils need to be equipped better to choose upper secondary education, but it must not be via a single six-month basic course.

It takes The Radical and Unity, thus rejecting a proposal from the Association that there shall be a common entrance to secondary education, where young people can both try academic and practical subjects.

the Parties pointing instead that there should be better guidance in the elementary school.

– the Problem is that the young are getting dressed for the bad on in elementary school to choose. So it is in elementary school, you must meet a long broader range of subjects and praksisfaglige subjects, says The People undervisningsordfører, Anne Sophie Callesen.

the Unity undervisningsordfører, Jacob Sølvhøj, sweeping also the idea of the basic scenario of the table.

– I think that many of the young people who choose erhvervsskolevejen, we do not do a service by having a common baseline scenario.

– I think that it is better that we inform teaching in primary and lower secondary udskolingsklasser, so we’re doing some bridge building and looking at the subjects, so they are more likely to inspire young people to seek vocational training, he says.

AT points to the lack of pupils in the vocational schools, and the joint basic programme to get more people to choose the path. The problem recognise the politicians, but a common baseline scenario is not necessarily the solution to it.

– Yes, that’s missing young people on vocational training, but it is not necessarily, because there are too many there be who go in high school, ” says Anne Sophie Callesen.

SF’s erhvervsuddannelsesordfører, Astrid Carøe, will not shoot the proposal down, but she has several reservations.

– We must be sure that it can get more students to choose vocational education and training. It is not entirely clear.

– There is also something in relation to the professionalism, that you must be sure that students can get through it, they should. There is the basic course already in secondary education. And so I think that it really should be something that you should be able to in elementary school, she says.

Also in the Danish people’s Party sounds, that the municipalities must do more to dress students in elementary school.

– It is excellent to dress the students in, but it should be able to take place in the ten years you go to primary school, says uddannelsesordfører Jens Henrik Thulesen Dahl.

AT’s proposal comes along with a number of other proposals to strengthen secondary education. Minister for children and education), Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil (S) says it is “liberating”, that the PM makes the proposal.

– this is not to say that I agree in all corners of the proposal. But it is liberating right to dare to set themselves up in the helicopter and look out over our education, the minister says to Politiken.

In the Left is undervisningsordfører Ellen Trane Nørby immediately positive about the proposal for the basic course.

– It is a positive way to think and rethink our courses, but this is not to say that we want to copy the model one-to-one, she says.
