Is your child born in december? Then you should probably be a little extra aware of how it’s performing in school.

Children born in the last months get worse results in school than children born in the beginning of the year.

this is at least the conclusion of a Norwegian report. It writes the

the Report is published by the Norwegian ministry of education, and according to VG shows the previous research in the area the same surprising results.

The Norwegian ministry of education based the study results on a review of 12 vintages of Norwegian secondary school students and their grades. In short, they have looked at 717.000 students ‘ grades.

in Particular, the report shows that there is a difference between children who are born in January and children born in december.

January-children do namely much better than julebørnene.

the Difference is especially great among children in the fifth grade, while it is less among children in the ninth grade.

Among students, there fæddiggør the ninth grade, students who are born in January, higher average marks than children born december.

the Report also shows that the child’s month of birth can determine something as long-term as the higher education, the child ends up with to choose.

the Differences apply to both boys and girls, but the differences are greatest among the boys.

According to the Norwegian VG has previous research shown the same results.