‘No students should be moved away from their school, friends, siblings, and neighborhood in order to save money!’

this is the sound of the umisforståelige message from parents to students, from summer next year must have training in the pavilions, four kilometres away from the classrooms, where they usually park the skoletaskerne.

the Plan is not dropped in the good soil of parents who are now in protest against the decision has started a petition.

‘Let us shout the city of Copenhagen up to gather signatures and protest in the hope that they change their current plan and will monitor for the school and parents, that meets the resistance at the resistance,’ sounds from the ‘hopeful parents’.

the city of Copenhagen’s plans include 150 students from Ørestad School, which of these should be moved to the pavilions of the near Amager Fælled School.

There are about four kilometers between the two schools.

“It is not the best decision in relation to our children. We see the children go to school close to their area, in that they Perabet also have some interests close to their area,” says Marie Aimée, president of the school board of Ørestad School, according to the Lorry.

According to the lokalmediet Ørestad Avis shall inform the school board, in a letter to all parents at the school that the decision on which students receive much to the school, will be taken at the beginning of december.

‘the school board and management would like to point out that it is not our decision to rehouse the students at the Amager Fælled Skole – it is a political decision. In return, we will work to get the best out of this difficult task and to provide a good framework for the pupils to be re-homed,’ it says in the letter to the parents.

Mayor Jesper Christensen explains to the Lorry, that there are better alternatives, such as the situation stands.

“We want to have solutions, as close as you possibly can. Now there is to be filled out in the Ørestad-the places where it has been built.”

“So it is really hard to find some places where we are not just with temporary solutions can fill anything in,” he says.