In Germany, was considered for organ donation in the past, the “decision solution”, that is, an organ donation is possible only after consent of the donor or his close relatives is possible. This arrangement remains, however, extended by some points, hence the Name “advanced decision-making solution”.

  • It will set up a nationwide Online Register at the Federal Institute for drugs and medical products. The registration will be legally binding. Donors should, however, be able to at any time change your mind.
  • When applying for an identity card, so about every ten years, will receive citizens in the future, information material about organ donation. You should be able to also register directly on-site.
  • in-house doctors may advise their patients every two years, open to Organ and tissue donation.
  • In the First-aid-courses that must be completed for the license, in the future Knowledge on organ donation

This extended decision-making rules prevailed in the vote in the Bundestag against the “Contradiction resolution”. The (rejected) proposal to the opposition solution is provided for all citizens to be considered as a potential organ donor, unless they explicitly contradict. The Person

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So you can hold on to your commitment to organ donation

The state’s decision regarding organ donation can be recorded in the organ donor card. Here, you can permit the removal of organs and tissues in principle, or reject it. In addition, you can limit what organs you can donate or not to donate. Finally, there is the Option to close relatives after the death. The card can be used online to create, he is also in many doctor’s offices and pharmacies.

In the patients available to keep your treatment wishes in the event that you can no longer Express their own will. Here you can also document your decision for or against organ donation in detail. In order to remove organs after the brain death life-prolonging measures are required. These reject a lot of people in their patients but. To determine, therefore, whether an organ donation or refusal of life should be prolonging measures be a priority. It is also possible, in the patient a time Limit for life-extending measures. You can allow organ donation only for the cases in which they accepted life-prolonging measures.

How many organ donations are there?

In Germany are currently almost 10,000 people on organ donation. The most suffering from life-threatening diseases in which, for example, heart, lung or liver failure. An organ transplant is for these people, often the only means of Survival. Until a matching donor is found, it sometimes takes years. 2019 932 people have donated after their death, or of multiple organs. A donor has helped three patients. In the year 2018, the number of organ donors were 955 a little higher in 2017, there were only 731 donor, the previous all-time low. Starting in 2012, there was a decrease in the Donor, after it became known that Doctors had to transplant centers provided false information on their patients.

when is an organ donation?

An organ transplant can be performed, if a donor brain death has been established. This means that the entire brain is gone. The heart and circulation can be obtained only by medication and ventilator maintained. Two experienced Doctors must independently diagnose the brain death. There is even the smallest indication that the Patient could be revived, cannot be determined brain death, and there are no organs be removed. The organ is removed via surgery, the incisions are then carefully closed.

Currently, the Transplantation of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas and intestines it is possible, in addition, tissue from eyes, heart valves, skin, blood vessels, bone, cartilage, soft tissue, pancreas and liver. A live donation of organs is only very rarely possible. Parts of the liver and kidney can be donated in this way only close family.

Who decides on the allocation?

The waiting list for recipients of organs is managed plans of the Foundation Euro-TRANS. It has its registered office in the Netherlands and for Belgium, Germany, Croatia, Luxembourg, Austria, Hungary and Slovenia. In Germany, the Federal chamber of physicians, who gets a Organ also controls. To get on the waiting list, the patient in a transplantation centre to investigate. There, it is checked whether a transplant is necessary and whether you can have success. The recipient and the donor should have the same blood group, in addition, similar age, weight, and tissue characteristics are important