for many years was a remedy for gonorrhea almost forgotten, and only a few hundred a year were infected.

But the past five years, the number of danes who are diagnosed with gonorrhea has doubled, and the figures from the Statens Serum Institute shows that there were reported 2200 cases of gonorrhea in 2018 against 1141 in 2014, writes Kristeligt Dagblad.

at the same time, the incidence of chlamydia increased from 30.881 reported cases in 2014 to 33.415 case in 2018. Danish health and medicines authority estimates that 500 women each year become sterile because of chlamydia.

“It seems that there is an increase of gonorrhoea among mainly heterosexual men and women. Gonorrhea behaves as chlamydia. Remedy for hitting in particular young heterosexuals and men who have sex with men. But the increase in gonorrhea is not as brutal as earlier in the story,” says afdelingslæge and head of section Susan Cowan from the Statens Serum Institut.

She refers to Statens Serum institut’s so-called 100-årskurve. It shows that during the Second world War and in the context of the sexual liberation in the late 1960s and early 1970s was a marked increase in the number of gonorrhea cases.

In befrielsesåret 1945 was reported over 23,000 cases, which is the largest number of cases in a single year in the 20. century. In 1972, there were well 17.000 cases. Betpas After the aids epidemic in the 1980s and 1990s decreased the number of cases dramatically. In 1997 there were only reviewed 78 cases of gonorrhea.

“Hiv is no longer considered a fatal disease, and therefore, using young people are not condom in the same way as 20 years ago.

We get more cases compared with some years ago, but gonorrhea has not reached the same high level as in the 1970s. This is due, first and foremost, that young people have become better at testing. Young people need to know that condom stops stds from a distance. But we will never get a situation where everyone protects themselves all the time. That is why good deals on the tests absolutely essential,” says Susan Cowan.