discrepancies between the Houthi rebels and United Nations representatives in Yemen to prevent the inspection and repair of the 1.1 million barrels of crude oil-Laden Tankers, which is for five years, before the Yemeni port of Hodeida. The condition of the vessel is deteriorating, so the risk of an oil Spill, an Explosion, or a fire was warned the UN on Friday.

The spokesman of the UN Secretary-General António Guterres pointed to the “tragic Explosion of 4. August in Beirut, and the alarming oil Spill off the island of Mauritius“. Both events demanded that “the vigilance of the whole world”.

see also: chemical substance as a trigger of the accident? – Gigantic Detonation in Beirut: bomb experts analyze the possible scenarios

the ship has been removed since the 2015 no longer maintained

The 45-year-old ship “Safer” anchored since the year 2015 in front of the port of Hodeida, about 60 kilometers of populated areas in the war-torn country. The port is controlled by the Huthi rebels, who were in mid-July, the green light for an inspection by UN experts. This wait, however, still on a written permission to the ship to investigate.

The UN security Council had warned in July of a “disaster”. As a floating Oil storage used, was not maintained the ship for 2015, which is why his condition continues to deteriorate. An incident on the ship could affect affect neighboring countries, especially Djibouti, Eritrea and Saudi Arabia, and the merchant shipping in the Red sea.

The rebels demand the presence of a third country – such as Sweden or Germany – to oversee the possible repairs. These are urgently prevent necessary as a result of disasters, as recently happened:

events of Beirut and Mauritius

In the harbour of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, were on 4. August 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded, the unsecured in a hall camped. More than 170 people were killed, more than 6,500 were injured. The city was devastated in large Parts, about 300,000 people were left homeless.

the island of Mauritius in the Indian ocean was at 25. July run up a freighter, about 4000 tons of fuel on Board on a reef. More than 1000 tons of fuel from occurred due to a leak and threatened two conservation areas in the immediate vicinity.

oil Spill in Mauritius: Tanker broken in two and is now broken PCP oil Spill will be sunk off the coast of Mauritius: the Tanker in two parts and is now to be sunk.
