the EU Commission, head of Ursula von der Leyen wants to mobilize in the Corona-crisis of 750 billion euros for the economic recovery of Europe. Of which 500 billion euros will flow as non-repayable grants and € 250 billion as loans, such as the EU Commission announced on Wednesday in Brussels. More than 300 billion euros are solely reserved for the crisis countries Italy and Spain. Funded the program to be on debt in the name of the European Union. These would then be between 2028 and 2058 on the EU budget has been redeemed.

This proposal is of the Leyens still significantly larger than the German-French Initiative for a 500-billion-Euro package. Mark wants to propose to von der Leyen, a regular multi-annual financial framework for the years 2021 to 2027 in the amount of 1.1 trillion Euro. The 27 EU States would have to agree to the total package unanimously. In addition, the approval by the Bundestag is required in Germany. Before week, are expected to be long negotiations. Reuters/Etienne Ansotte/European Commission/Reuters EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen comes to the European Parliament, has drafted on behalf of the EU heads of state and heads of government reconstruction program.

the worst recession since the Second world war

With a reconstruction plan to overcome the worst recession in Europe since the Second world war. Due to the time object temporarily to a standstill during the pandemic, the economy will shrink in the EU, according to an official forecast this year to 7.4 percent. Some countries, such as Italy, Spain and Greece are particularly hard hit. The EU member States have already established a common safety net, with financial assistance of up to 540 billion euros.

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The programme for the economic recovery in the framework of the budget is the next step. The New: The loans funded funds will mainly be used as contributions to the EU States, not the receiver, but all the back numbers together.

Merkel with a particular role

According to an internal breakdown of the EU Commission alone, nearly 173 billion euros as grants and loans to Italy are reserved. Spain could get up to 140 billion euros. For comparison: in Germany, up to 28.8 billion euros are provided solely as grants. For France it would be almost 39 billion euros, also completely as grants.

Last week, had proposed to Germany and France, the EU Commission should resume with the help of guarantees from the EU member States 500 billion euros in credit and grants to crisis countries and sectors assigned. The German Position is observed particularly carefully, because the Federal Republic of Germany is the strongest economy and the largest net contributor to the EU. In addition, Germany undertakes to 1. July for the six-month presidency of the EU-countries. Thus, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), a special role to play in addressing the crisis.

Resembles the German-French concept

Of the Leyens reconstruction plan is similar to the German-French concept. Of the Leyen, the program intends to Finance with loans. The EU is supposed to guarantee States with contribution commitments to the budget. In the jargon: The ceiling of own resources should be dramatically increased. The debt will then be over the decades, from the EU Budget abgestottert. This should help by the will of the EU Commission’s new own resources for the EU taxes and duties. The conversation is an extension of the European emissions trading system, as well as a digital tax or a plastic output.

That borrowed money will flow as a grant and not as a repayable loans to crisis countries, and has some of the countries of the EU resistance. Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark – the “Thrifty Four” – have together raised an objection.

The European Greens have urged the Federal government, during the German presidency of the Council to persuade the other EU-States from the reconstruction plan. That Merkel’ve put behind a credit-financed economic stimulus programme, had been a great step forward, praising the Green-group leader in the European Parliament, Ska Keller. “Now it’s about to win a majority at the Meeting of the European Council.”

SPD: “proposals by the EU Commission now does not water down”

The Deputy Chairman of the SPD group in the Bundestag, Achim Post, has the proposal from the EU Commission for a European economic recovery plan positively received.

“Succeed in an agreement on the proposal, this would be a giant step forward for the cohesion and future competitiveness,” said Post. “The debate now needs to be in an Effort to improve the Commission’s proposals as far as possible, to dilute but.” The proposal to attack with common bonds and “real investment grants” Central social-democratic demands.

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