As the Minister for Trams children in the morning, opened their pakkekalender, it was either a hard, soft, round or square package.

It was flat and contained a letter from ‘the goblin’.

‘Mother make waffles in the evening’, was standing there.

the Other day, could the goblin tell the children that they do not have to clean up in the room that day, and how to get it by december.

“instead of filling a pakkekalender with bras from Søstrene Grene or the Flying Tiger, so we’ve made it here, and the kids will get just as excited,” says Nicolai Tram.

The special pakkekalender is no surprise, if you know of Nicolai Trams views on the so-called ‘consumption celebration’, we have in Denmark.

“All this consumption is crazy. Who the hell has said that we need to buy so much? You already have 15 vases, but then it is Kähler, and then you just have the number 16,” he says.

But who is Nicolai Tram then?

He is a trained chef, the mastermind behind the opskrifthjemmesiden FoodTV, and so he met about two years ago a big decision that would turn his and the family’s life upside down.

at the Time, he lived together with his wife and two children in an apartment on Amager, and their days flow almost always like this:

get up in the morning. Run the kids to school. Work. Download the children. Unwind with cooking and practical things. Put the kids to bed. Staring at his smartphone. Sleep.

“We asked ourselves: Is it such a life we will have? A life, where you sit and I glance into his phone,” says Nicolai.

And the answer was no.

So the family tore the pegs up, packed the apartment down and bought a house out in the woods in the Swedish Halland.

Here lives the family now lives without pay, with few consumer goods, and with the days, that looks very different if you compare with the time in Amager-apartment.

Nicolai’s clock rings in the Swedish house at six o’clock. He stands up, puts himself in front of the fireplace and reading a time. Seven o’clock is the fry up, and then bring the family out otherwise, and eat breakfast in an hour’s time.

So, the children must run to school, and when Nicolai is back, he runs a walk in the woods in half an hour and ends with a dip in their lake. Now at ten, and then it’s time to familiefaren can work from home until at 15.

At 15, kids are picked up, and when they are at home, doing the family a activities a few hours, which can be a long walk, or take a seat in front of the fire. Then make Nicolai or woman food, and then sitting in the family again for an hour and eat together before the kids to bed.

And when the little ones so sleeping, Nicolai and his wife enjoy each other’s company without the mobiles, until the bed call.

“I’ve got more time for my children, and it is not the main? I have been quiet, and it gets you, in general, also, when you get out in the wild. It can I notice, when I get my stressed-out friends over from Copenhagen. They change completely here,” he says.

One of Nicolai Trams really big obsessions are the danes ‘ large consumption, and because of that he was also participating in the DR program the Debate last week, when the man asked sharply on Black Friday.

the Page is a video gone almost viral on DR’s Facebook page, where Nicolai Tram in the program said that the ‘fucking of my life should be made of Kay Bojesen-the elephants in the window sills’.

And it is he like at goal.

“We buy so much shit that sits on the shelf until someone formaster to say: ‘We will never get used to this shit – we should not just throw it out?’, and so do you do it. It is the hopeless,” he says.

Nicolai thinking from the philosophy that ‘time is money and money is time’, and that of course therefore also pays with his time, when buying unimportant goods for money which you have spent time to earn.

“Let us take our pakkekalender as an example. I would use the 500 dollars to buy everything possible plastiklort, but instead I can exchange it for time with the kids,” he says, and continues.

“the Children are the pisseligeglade with what they get. My boss once told that he had taken a cardboard box, the sign of four round rings and give it to her child. It was a stove, and the child had been so happy. It is amazing.”