Recognize a big gaffe in the very area where you are the boss. But get anyway the box in the bonus for your work.

Believe it or not.

the Fact is, that the last year was the reality for Rigspolitiets it director, Lars Ole Dybdal.

As B. T. already has uncovered, is he the of the police bosses with resultatlønskontrakt, which has been paid and the second highest bonus for last years work.

For the 2018 got it-the director, in a total of 170.000 kr. in addition to his regular salary.

It is almost twice as much as the list’s number two, rigspolitichef Jens Henrik Højbjerg, who got 90.000 kr. paid.

And far more than the country’s politidirektører, who all got between 35 000 kr. and 75.000 kr.

But there has so not been acknowledged any error on it-the director of the area in 2018, since he had the clearly the highest bonus for politibosserne?

the Answer is: Yes.

the Case is this:

Back in 2015 having a so-called Tibet-the commission investigating why officers under a number of chinese leaders ‘ state visits in Copenhagen decided to remove the flags from the otherwise fairly peaceful Tibet protesters.

The 22. may 2018 it turned out, however, that a large number of internal e-mail sent between employees in the police on just the Tibet case was suddenly sprung up.

It was discovered in a routine check conducted by the Rigspolitiets Group Jokerbet IT, where Lars Ole Dybdal therefore, is a director and has been since march 2016.

Overall, there was found 678 gigabyte mailarkiver distributed in 1658 files and 826 users.

In size is the equivalent to well over a hundred movies of high quality in a streaming service.

Tibet-the commission had never received these e-mail sent, but now showed rutinekontrollen therefore that they were still available.

The newly discovered e-mail was forwarded to the ministry of Justice in June 2018, and thus the cause for Tibet-the commission has reopened the case.

“Police can state that there was talk about the deleted e-mail, but e-mail, that should have been deleted, but which, because of the then pladsbegrænsning in police systems had been placed in special mailarkiver,” says Rigspolitiets press officer, Thomas Kristensen.

B. T. have tried in vain to get a comment from Lars Ole Dybdal, he has got such a high bonus, while at the same time have acknowledged the big mistake of the department, he is the boss of

7. June 2018, acknowledged by Lars Ole Dybdal, however, to Ritzau, that there was committed a regrettable error.

“There is a regrettable error, which we are in connection with a conversion of the mail system has caused a release of some employees mailarkiver be on a server,” he said.

Police have decided not to tell B. T., what is fulfilled by the concrete targets for the amount of the bonus.

From both the red and blue wing are also used hard words such as ‘completely biased’, ‘sloppy’ and ‘preposterous’ about the message.

the Danish people’s party spokesman, Peter Skaarup, is now the cause even more ludicrous.

“I think it is deeply unsatisfactory that there is given such a high bonus to it-the director of the national Police. Especially when there is a mistake made in the department, he is the boss of, so I will now ask questions about to the minister,” he says.

Justice minister Nick Hækkerup (S) has already stated that he is against the additional performance-related.

Both of the police bosses, and other leaders in his ministry area.