While many citizens enjoy more and more Corona-relaxations, to homes for the elderly to cope with a balancing act. Markus Khauser says: “the gap between The reality and the everyday life in the nursing home is getting bigger and bigger.”

Nandlstadt – The time of the Lockdown is over: birthday parties, pool visits, vacations, and more are possible again. However, while many citizens are happy about returning to normality, you must Markus Khauer cope with an increasingly difficult balancing act. The Director of the senior Park, nice view strives daily to protect the residents continue to be in the best possible way in front of the Coronavirus. He says: “the gap between The reality outside and the everyday life in the nursing home is getting bigger and bigger.”

visits with a lot of effort

+ what’s next connected? Markus Khauer, Director of the senior Park, nice view in Nandlstadt, wants answers from the policy. ©private

So nobody is the Virus in the Nandlstädter care facility brings, continue to apply strict rules. These come directly from the Ministry of health, says Khauer. “In addition to spouses and life partners, only visitors are allowed to come in direct blood line.” On a per resident and day, only one Person, a maximum of one hour. Who wants a loved one to visit, you must sign up a day in advance, and a procedure to go through: to register, to declare that one is free of symptoms of any illness, the fever measure, disinfect, mask, and gloves. Visits take place not on Station, but in the Cafeteria with a glass cover and distance, or in the garden.

More awareness in the population

The rules are strict, every visit with a lot of effort. But of course, everything will be tried to the residents and nationals together. “What bothers us mad, is the General Situation: there is always more relaxed. But how to do it with us in the future, there is only a very vague position,“ says Khauer. As from Monday, valid relaxations, which were announced in the recent press conference, exactly, and he know nothing yet.

At the height of the lock downs, the Situation of the nursing staff would have been in the focus of the media. “In the meantime it’s simply a question of the next steps in the public space. The care is gone,“ says Khauer. In this case, each operator would have to ensure that the Virus will not enter his establishment. The house should be designed right to the protection of the inhabitants, however, strictly, it could be in the case of Inspections by the health Department faulted a high – wire act.

“no one can be sensitized for two years to isolate”

home operators and maintenance personnel are particularly. Nevertheless, the course of life again. “I have two small children that go to daycare,” says Khauer. “You have to be realistic: no one can isolate themselves for two years.” Therefore, the home’s Director, appealed to the political decision-makers, to sensitize the population and to create awareness: “the Public must be clear, to have the easing effects on specially protected areas.” An infection in a nursing home full of very old people with pre-existing conditions mountains, finally, a different risk than infection of a healthy family.

the Situation Is ethical?

The Hardest thing currently is the lack of prospects to be – both for staff and for residents. “It is not foreseeable that the Corona is in a month in the past.” In this context, Khauer also raises a question that should be discussed in his opinion urgent. “It is ethically and morally justifiable, the people who are on your last life, in such a way from the life to take it out and decide completely over their heads?” If a resident out of fear of the Virus would be completely isolated housed, was, of course, feasible. “But we are a nursing home and not a prison,” emphasizes the Director of the orphanage. Many of the approximately 70 women and men in senior Park, nice views, would see Covid-19 simply as an additional risk factor that could be fatal. “In addition to pneumonia, the flu, or a heart attack, there is just now Corona, they say.”

Prior to the pandemic had been called for from different pages again and again is the quality of life in nursing facilities. “This is now unfortunately off the table,” says Khauer. He sighs. “I hope that the focus will again be directed more to the individual.”

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