Due to the Corona-crisis, the celebrations in Clubs impossible. This circumstance caused for curious notices in a stairwell in Munich.

Due to the Corona-crisis Clubs in Germany are closed still. Many, therefore, change the Party in your own home, also in Munich, the local residents seemed to be such a case, have been exposed. A yodel of the published notice shows that misunderstandings are not excluded. Many more exciting stories from Munich in our App.

Update 16. June, 9.15 a.m.: For his DJ-qualities, was quite praise. Nevertheless, a Munich-based saw, a few days after a late-night Set, which had provided for plenty of excitement, with a notice: in his stairwell face (see original message). Now the “Hobby-DJ”, as he referred to himself, and enlightens. Also its check message has spread all over the Social Media App yodel.

“First of all, I would like to thank you that you liked my Set, in large Parts, but at the same time, you and your girlfriend excuse to have the basses into the other house worn”, the Unknown to his neighbors, who had previously “complained”.

Munich: Curious poster in the stairwell – “Hobby-DJ” declared neighbors, what happened in “the said Crime,” really,

The Whole was however, a big misunderstanding, as it says in the posting: “While in the said Crime, a Hit the other chased (…) I was not suspecting in the 140 kilometers away in Austria “. The police had made him on the phone to the thumping bass’s attention. The culprit was quickly been found, such as the Munich-based claims: “I looked at my phone and noticed in the fact that music ran through my App, pressed Pause, and my Distance-Gig ended up apparently”.

A terror with the end? The pandemic is over, finally, can the residents in any case, a happy Surprise. “As soon as Corona and the associated restrictions have loosened, I invite you sincerely to my apartment,” promises the Hobby-DJ.

With voltage is expected in Munich, which announced Markus Söder on Tuesday. The Prime Minister is widely proclaim the Kingdom at the end of Corona-relaxations.

Munich: The night celebrated neighbor with a crazy poster of the day after that

original message from 14. June:

Munich – In the Bavarian capital, the firm returns to life after the dramatic Corona-Lockdown slowly . Many industries are now able to re – in requirements strict record – your operation. For the Party scene this is not true – there is no light at the end of the tunnel is still. The result is that people increasingly in their own four walls, celebrate . A Party in Munich has announced the curious to follow , such as a photo shows on the social platform ” yodel “.

+ In Munich has celebrated a “Hobby-DJ” into the wee hours. (Icon photo)©picture alliance/dpa / Friso Gentsch

The restaurant is open since a few weeks . For the hosts, which is partly a blessing and partly the pads are so extensive that many do not want to open their businesses again. A host of Munich has written a therefore, recently, a rage-letter to the policy. For Clubs, Bars and pubs , the Situation is more precarious: they are not allowed to even open. Also a date for the Re-Start is not yet known.

Munich: House party while Corona – neighbor celebration writes beast curious notice Board

A Munich has a neighbor now after a celebrated the Party night with a piece of paper in the stairwell to the pillory and the party beast reminds humorous type to pay attention in the future on the rest periods . “A nices Set you between yesterday evening (06.06.2020, around 21:00) in the morning and played. (07.06.2020, approx. at 09:30). Even consistently without break ! And you’ll Stand still now. Can cut some of the professional record juggler a disc”, it says on the poster, which was shared on ” yodel “.

The perfect neighbor? Yodel Fund shows the neighborhood from the picture book

Who is the humorous neighbor, is not known , however, he reveals his taste in music: “Just such a Music I would be partying in a Club , too.” At the end of the curious Posting his core message comes through, however. The occupants of the house recommends that the basses in the future turn out to avoid, “that you the club feeling to the living room and bedroom of your neighbors in the next building hauling”. Where exactly in Munich is the celebration of a beast, and the humorous neighbor is not known .