last April, the government was adapting to the crisis of the sars coronavirus, in proposing the extension and modification of the terms of the so-called ” premium Macron “, a device introduced in the context of the response of power to the movement of the yellow Vests. The payment of this exceptional bonus to the amount of 1 000 euros without social security contributions was made before the 31 August. This Wednesday, June 4, members of parliament, in order to revive the business post-coronavirus, have voted in committee to a rise in reports of possible deficit in the tax on societies, and the possible payment until December of an exceptional bonus to their employees.

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The Finance committee, which reviews since Tuesday, the third draft amending budget of the State for 2020, was adopted as an amendment of Jean-Noël Barrot (MoDem) on the first point. The deficits incurred for a financial year by a company subject to corporate tax (IS) can be charged on the profits made in respect of the previous financial year (“regime in the carry back). The amendment, which must be voted on again during in the chamber, provides for an increase in the threshold for the carry-forward deficit of 1 to 2 million euros on the period of crisis.

“Booster”, the “carry back”

This should allow the companies to ” generate a cash gain favouring the financing of the working capital requirement and investments, and the creation or retention of jobs “, according to the explanatory memorandum of the amendment. The president of the commission, Eric Woerth (LR) even offered to go further to boost the carry back “, by removing the ceiling. He argued that this had been effective during the 2008 crisis.

On a proposal by MoDem, Acting together, and LR, meps have also voted for the postponement of the deadline of 31 August to 31 December, for the payment by the companies of an exceptional bonus to their employees. This bonus can reach up to 1 000 euros, is exempt from social contributions and tax collection, had been created at the end of 2018 to meet the wrath of the ” yellow vests “.

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in addition, The commission wanted to go further on the release possible of the retirement savings of selfemployed who are experiencing economic hardship: the limit of money that can be allocated has been increased to 8,000 euros, at the initiative of Olivia Gregory (LREM).

in addition, the mps have planned to extend the financial support of the communities and their authorities to transport to Ile-de-France Mobility, via an amendment of the rapporteur Laurent Saint-Martin (LREM). It stated that a deposit of $ 425 million euros was expected from enactment of the bill. The president of the Ile-de-France, Valérie Pécresse, pulls the alarm signal for several days on the loss of revenue “abysmal” incurred by the public transport in its region due to the crisis of the sars coronavirus. The secretary of State for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari has promised help from the State.

The provision of aid to enterprises extended to French Guiana and Mayotte

In the evening, the elected representatives also passed an amendment Act which repeals the tax fee of 10 euros on fixed-term contracts, known as use (CDDU), arguing that these contracts are “unavoidable” in certain sectors hit by the crisis, such as catering. This tax had been introduced in late 2019 in order to encourage financially companies to offer longer contracts. Another amendment of the group GDR extends until the end of October, the provision of aid to businesses set up in the framework of the crisis of the covid-19 in Guyana and Mayotte. The third draft of the amended finance law will be discussed in the plenary from 29 June. The amendments will have to be revalidated to be integrated.

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