In each case he has a clear rallying cry to the many citizens of the municipality, who complain that sneploven is too slow to clear the snow at their home.

“If you are resourceful, then use the two minutes to help your disabled neighbor with snerydningen instead of writing to the municipality,” says mayor in Vallenbæk municipality, Henrik Rasmussen, to TV 2 Lorry and adds:

“Sneploven starts and ends somewhere. It is hard to understand for some, but it should not be illogical.”

22 out of the 24 mayors of the Capital Region, as well as in the municipalities of Roskilde, Lejre, Solrød, Greve, Køge and Stevns believes that the municipality of the day, solve the tasks, which can surpass to the citizens themselves.

It shows a survey conducted by TV 2 Lorry has made in their broadcasting area.

One of the mayors, who think that citizens themselves should be better to roll up our sleeves, Henrik Rasmussen.

in General, does he think there should be more focus on civil society and how citizens can be involved in several municipal areas.

That also applies an area such as snow removal.

TV 2 Lorry has also spoken with the president of the 3Fs public group, Lydia, is Over, which is certainly not agree.

She believes that the mayors are about to move out of synch.

instead, they should – according to her – leave the paid work to be paid work.