“My father was the night before christmas eve last year found incurable cancer, after being named the closet for a number of years. He is now terminal and when enough not to have christmas with. It all could have been found out LONG before, if our hospitalssystem worked.”

How to start an email from the 37-year-old Maria Holst to B. T. She took earlier in the week along with the rest of the family farewell with his father, Peter Holst, who passed away. 67 years old. Much earlier than he had wanted.

His tale is one of a long series, B. T. has received, after we wrote about Arne Notkin and Sandra Dark Valente, who was not taken seriously in health care.

It’s going to cost Sandra Dark Valente’s life, and it ended up with to beat Maria holst’s father. 67 years old.

Maria holst’s father began in 2017 to get the stomach problems that got worse and worse. He got in the late summer made a keyhole surgery, which showed polyps in the intestines, but it was not successful the doctor to have a biopsy.

Peter Holst was familiar with anxiety, and it had disastrous consequences for his way through the health care system.

“My father got to know that he should not be squeamish, when he complained of severe pain after the operation. The doctors thought it was his anxiety that caused him to respond,” says Maria Holst.

But it was not fear that gave Maria holst’s father pain, and had the doctors listened the first time, had his chance of survival has been 80 percent. When they finally found the cancer, had the chance of survival is 0 percent.

It appears from a decision of the Patienterstatningen, where Peter Holst was successful and compensation.

The severe pain that came after the operation, turned out to be due to a bughulebetændelse, which arose, because the doctors had accidentally made a hole in his intestine during the kikkertundersøgelsen.

When it finally went up for doctors, by Peter Holst had repeatedly made aware of, he had hurt, he was so sick that he went out of the intensive several times.

along the Way, he was called in for a scan because the doctors thought there might be something suspicious in his gut, but Peter Holst, who at the time was hospitalized and Vdcasino sedated by morphine, then did not call in the e-box.

Because he was changed from a hospital to another, it was the hospital, where he was admitted, did not pay attention to the call. The hospitals located in each of their regions and have different it systems. Therefore, the call to scan through on the new hospital.

Peter Holst did not materialize therefore. No one followed up, and let down ended up being fatal.

“That, I think, in fact, is the most frightening in our health-care system. Patients may miss vital studies, because the systems are not talking together,” says Maria Holst.

In easter 2018 got Peter Holst removed the gallbladder. He and his family got to know that there was cancer in the bladder, and the thought that everything was ok. Of Peter holst’s journal it appears, however, that a scan that was made on the same occasion, showed that there was something suspicious on the liver.

It was a doctor in the journal, but he did not further, because the liver was not his area. No one responded on the information contained in the record.

Maria holst’s father continued to have severe pain, but when he in the autumn again visited his doctor, he was told that it probably originated from the operations, he had been through, and that he should learn to get used to it.

She was not concerned, as she shortly before christmas last year was told that her father had been hospitalized. The hospital believed just, he was missing the iron, but they will just scan him for the sake of security.

the Answer to the scan came as a lightning from a clear sky.

Maria holst’s father was terminally ill. The pain, he had complained in one and a half years, originated from colon cancer that had been allowed to spread to the liver and lungs.

despite the stinging judgment, Peter Holst a decision to put the process behind them and focus on the living instead.

“He managed to maintain his mood, and we’ve really tried to get the best out of the last time together,” says Maria Holst.

Her father since his diagnosis has been associated with Vejle Hospital, where he and the rest of the family were allowed to experience the healthcare system from its best side.

“We have really, really been happy with the treatment we have received here, but we would, of course, wish that we could have been allowed to keep my father. I thought we would be allowed to have him 20 years yet. At least.”