the opposition to The malian president Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta would she be in the process of becoming more radical ? Despite the concrete proposals of the head of the State, such as the renewal of the constitutional Court or the deployment of an Ecowas mission to review the rules of operation of the institution, one of the leading organizations of the protest has called for the maintenance of the gathering planned for this Friday 10 July. The message is always the same : they are demanding the resignation of president Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta.

” The event tomorrow (Friday) is maintained ! Malians come out tomorrow “, has announced on his page Facebook the Coordination of movements, associations and supporters (CMAS) of the imam Mahmoud Dicko. The movement of June 5, the coalition of religious leaders and personalities from civil society like the political world, which is aggregated around the imam, does not intend to respond favorably to the outstretched hand of the head of State.

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detailed proposals

in Order to defuse the political crisis in his country, the malian president has proposed on Wednesday night to its opponents as the signature of a political agreement of national gathering, as well as a reform of the constitutional Court.

In an address to the nation, he explained that this agreement, which will go until 2023, the year of the next presidential election, would be based on four key ideas. “We know that peace is fragile and volatile without justice. And we know, alas, that the infatuation of the people for the expeditious justice of pseudo-jihadists is explained by the rejection of the justice of the stigma which for him are known, including corruption and the duration of the procedures “, said the head of the malian State.

It was announced in this respect “the consolidation” of the constitutional Court in “the hours and the days to come,” recognizing that the arbitration by this last counsel of the general elections of last spring ” has been a problem and continues to be a problem “. At least four of the nine justices have announced their resignation since the beginning of the crisis, and a fifth died, which should lead to a redial. “IBK” has suggested that the Court of the newly formed could re-examine the decision taken by that body after the parliamentary elections of march-April and invalidating thirty results initially proclaimed. Ten of these results had been invalidated by the constitutional Court for the benefit of members of the presidential majority, beginning with the one which was later to be elected to the presidency of the Parliament.

The head of State replied in this sense to the recommendations of the Community of west african States (Ecowas), the sub-regional institution that has already shown itself favourable to the establishment of a government of national unity and the organization of the partial legislative elections in the constituencies contested for out of the crisis.

president Keita has not however ruled on the dissolution of the national Assembly, which is claimed by the opposition. He focused on his conviction that ” the national interest lies in a Parliament is immediately ready to implement the political agreement for the national gathering “, deeming it ” highly probable that the solutions found by the new constitutional Court resolve the question of the national Assembly “.

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For the coalition, these ads are far from being sufficient. “Speech completely missed, far from the expectations of the Malian. He (Mr. Keïta) has proven once again that it is the PROBLEM of Mali, ” commented on Twitter to the opposing party and former minister Moussa Sinko Coulibaly, one of the leaders of the protest movement.

The international star of the music, Salif Keita, which is supporting this movement, has also called for the mobilization to Friday, on Twitter.

The motion of 5 June had indicated last week to want to give its chance to the dialogue and to renounce temporarily to the resignation of the president prior to any discussion. However, he demanded the dissolution of Parliament, the formation of a government of transition whose movement would be the Prime minister, as well as the replacement of the nine members of the constitutional Court, accused of collusion with power. President Keita, who has already called for a national unity government, has reaffirmed its confidence in Prime minister Boubou Cisse that he had maintained after the parliamentary elections but has still not formed his team.

beyond Mali’s borders, the movement has much more to fear from the international partners, they fear a greater destabilization of the country already plagued since 2012 in of the jihadist attacks which were linked to clashes. The violence spread to neighbouring countries.

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writing will advise you

The Mali to the polls in spite of the war and the virus Issa Kaou Djime : “IBK is the problem of Mali” Mali : the demonstration of the power of the imam Mahmoud Dicko Mali : the president Keïta reaches out to the coalition of the imam Dicko Mali : Ecowas to the rescue Mali : Bamako, the protesters want more of IBK