In Mali, imam Mahmoud Dicko, is it poised to succeed his bet to see the president Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta leave office before his term ? One thing is for sure, it is he who now holds the opposition at the head of the State and he intends to know. While a second event takes place this Friday, June 19, at his call, a mission from the economic Commission of the States of West Africa (Ecowas) top rank has been working since the day before a mediation attempt. This mission met with the Prime minister, Boubou Cisse, and then met with the main actors of the crisis : the president himself and the leader of the opposition, the imam Mahmoud Dicko. Because, despite the outstretched hand of the head of the State, which has proposed forming a national unity government on Sunday, in an address to the nation, and then Tuesday at the convention center, protesters do not intend to lower its guard.

Read also Issa Kaou Djime : “IBK is the problem of Mali’

Escalating tensions

” there is a policy challenge, social in Mali. Therefore, as chairman of Ecowas, the president (of Niger Mahamadou Issoufou, editor’s NOTE), we were loaded we get there to try to mediate a settlement, ” had previously explained on the State radio in Niger the minister of foreign Affairs of Nigeria, Geoffrey Onyeama, after an interview with the head of State of niger. This is to avoid a spread of the malian crisis in the sub-region, he added.

The delegation also includes the ministers of foreign Affairs of niger and côte d’ivoire Kalla Ankourao and Ally Coulibaly, as well as the president of the Ecowas Commission, Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, according to an official source.

This is part of the efforts of all sides to resolve a situation that arouses concern as Mali, confronted with security challenges, considerable economic and social, can ill afford an escalation policy with an uncertain outcome.

” We don’t have anything drawn as a conclusion. We are listening to all parties, and we take the time it takes to understand the issues that have contributed to the tension of the situation, ” said the press the head of the diplomacy of niger.

” We will then proceed to a debriefing to learn lessons and come back to the parties with proposals that will take account of the recommendations of the president of the Republic of Mali as suggestions and each other “, he added.

The diplomat in niger said it is optimistic for a successful outcome of the mediation of Ecowas, saying that” every time people agree to sit down to talk, there is always the hope of finding solutions.”

Despite this mediation, west african, the great gathering in the early afternoon of this Friday is maintained. But according to the head of the Ecowas delegation, ” we have obtained of the organizers the assurance that the rally is conducted according to legislative and regulatory systems in force in Mali, that is to say, well framed in order to avoid overflow “. All of the protagonists and mediators of socio-political crisis wish unanimously to go fast, and “very quickly” to achieve an easing of the current political situation in the country.

Read also : Mali war in an imbroglio of militias

The street is keeping up the pressure

tens of thousands of Malians took to the streets on June 5 at the call of the Motion of 5 June, that is to say, the Front of the opposition parties to tell their ras-le-bol in front of the violence and jihadists intercommunutaires, the economic slump and what they denounce as the impéritie and the corruption of power. They have called for the resignation of the head of State.

Daouda Koné, a technician in the development of the territory, responded to the call of the imam Dicko. “Walking is a very good thing ! Given the situation, it is necessary to boost things. This is perhaps not the right time, but we have been too patient. We chose IBK (elected in 2013, re-elected in 2018). But it doesn’t work, not at all ! Thank god, now there is someone who, at least, when he speaks, is listened to (imam Mahmoud Dicko, leader of the protest) “, a-t-he explained to our colleagues from the AFP on Friday. “With this march, he (the president) was forced to speak. It takes these steps to force the old to take concrete steps. Even if the claims don’t work, at least the intention is asked “, he continued.

officials from the UN, Ecowas and the african Union had then met separately with the protagonists. The president had later tried appeasement by announcing consultations for a government of national unity. But the dominant figure of the dispute, the imam Dicko, said these pledges is insufficient and has called for a protest again in a mass Friday on the independence square in Bamako.

Read also : Mali president Keita reaches out to the coalition of the imam Dicko

writing will advise you

Mali : the demonstration of the power of the imam Mahmoud Dicko Mali : president Keita reaches out to the coalition of the imam Dicko Mali : the war in an imbroglio of militias Issa Kaou Djime : “IBK is the problem of Mali “