To put that old besicles ideological, on a field that moves at the speed of light, some nations have voluntarily blinded, multiplying the misses and achieving the opposite result to that set. Case study : France since the outbreak of the arab Spring. When Tunisia accesses the democracy, January 14, 2011, we congratulate with tremolos in the diplomatic cables.

When Benghazi rises against Gaddafi, the Mirage come in. When Tunisia voting in November 2011, the islamist party Ennahda reaches the head, it coughs in Paris. It faud…

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The letter of the Maghreb – Libya : $ 100 billion dollars in sleep Algiers is concerned about the consequences of the intervention of turkey in Libya Libya : the “lord of war” Haftar at the Elysée Libya – Haftar : “The conditions are not met for a cease-fire” in Libya the marshal Haftar has it become a problem the French ? Libya : the first defeat of marshal Haftar will she negotiate ?