Axelle Dorier was attending a birthday party in the night of 18 to 19 July, just before death, violently struck by a car. Shortly before 4 o’clock in the morning, a scuffle broke out not far from the park of the Pitches in the 5th arrondissement of Lyon. A dispute between several drivers at the group of young people who come to the party, the latter accusing the driver of one car hit the dog of a young man also on the spot.

It is the young Axelle, 23, a care assistant from Francheville, who held the animal in leash. According to our information, the friends are then taken to the car of the driver responsible for the incident. The occupants of another car, a Golf, would then intervene to support the drivers. While the atmosphere tenses up, the driver of the Golf accelerates to escape, but is stuck in a dead end, forcing him to make a u-turn to get back in the face of Axelle Dorier, who signs to him to stop.

The body of Axelle dragged on for nearly a kilometer

According to the survey of the departmental directorate of public security (DDSP) in Lyon, the driver of the car would then “knowingly” knocked down, causing his fall. The body of the young woman will be found to more than 800 meters from the site said of the accident. The body was therefore dragged by the vehicle nearly one kilometer, until the place des Minimes. She would have also lost a limb in the accident.

In a first time, the cars have taken flight. But two hours after the incident, three persons suspected to be involved are spontaneously presented to the commissioner. Immediately placed in custody the three individuals explained that they had gone around the park Heights for ” discuss “, in three vehicles, distinct driving a Twingo, which struck the dog, a Golf course, responsible for the death of Axelle, and a Mercedes).

According to their story, they would have been violently attacked by the youth who were present, after “unintentionally” hit the dog. To the investigators, the driver of the Golf says he has ” freaked out “. He would have wanted to “leave the premises “so that” a young girl was positioned in front of his vehicle.” The driver of the Golf admits to having smashed into Axelle, but ensures that the police officers had not realized that she was “remained attached” to the vehicle.

Two people under investigation

After the opening of a judicial investigation by the public prosecutor of Lyon, two individuals were tried and indicted by the investigating judge. The first is a 21 year-old man identified as the driver of the Golf. He has been indicted for “voluntary violence with a firearm resulting in death” – the vehicle being used as a weapon – and ” hit and run “. He was remanded in custody. The second is the passenger of the Golf, a 19-year-old. The latter has been placed under judicial control for ” non-assistance to person in danger “, in accordance with the requisitions of the parquet. A third person initially held in police custody was out of the question. It is the driver of the Mercedes.

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In a press release, the prosecutor of the Republic of Lyon has indicated that tests of blood alcohol concentration of the two indicted were negative, indicating that toxicological analyses were in progress. None of the two accused has a criminal record. “The investigations will continue pursuant to a letter rogatory through the hearing of the numerous witnesses present at the time of the facts in order to confirm the circumstances and the conduct exact “, added the prosecutor.

strong emotions on social networks

On social networks and the death of the young woman sparked an intense emotion. The hashtag #JusticePourAxelle has been shared tens of thousands of times, as well as the most controversial #LaRacailleTue or #OnVeutLesNoms. Anonymous and political – rather to the right of the chessboard – are indignant in front of the circumstances in which the young woman was killed.

” Our country is sinking into violence that is daily more and more intolerable “, he commented Eric Ciotti, mp-LR of the Alpes-Maritimes. “She was only 23 years old. She was a health care aide. She was saving lives. It robbed him of his own. Let’s break the silence by saying his name. #Axelle “, also wrote on Twitter François Jolivet, mp LREM of the Indre river.