The new cars, which the danes buy, running not so great gas mileage. It helps to increase the emissions of CO2. Bahis Siteleri

The average emissions of CO2 from new cars has increased by almost eight percent since 2016.

It writes the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, with reference to the figures from Statistics Denmark.

the Reason for the increase is that in Denmark as in the rest of the world are buying larger, heavier, and more high performance cars that do not run so far on a liter of gasoline or diesel.

at the same time opt out of the danes in the great style of diesel cars and to choose gasoline vehicles. It makes, even on new diesel vehicles, according to the bilejernes association, FDM, is 20 percent more efficient than their gasoline – and at least as environmentally friendly.

the Development is confirmed by Gunni Mikkelsen, who is the director of The Danish car importers.

– Yes, we have also registered a rising average CO2 emissions from cars, he says to Jyllands-Posten.

He believes, however, that the rise has been quite so powerful.

Both the customers, the car importers and bilsælgere points to several reasons for the evolution, writes Jyllands-Posten.

Among other things, have lower car tax reform made the larger cars more accessible. It has been not least the sale of higher SUV models to increase, because the customers demand the comfort and security.

Trafikforsker Harry Lahrmann Aalborg University believes that politicians should intervene and change the charging system.

– You have simply chosen the wrong strategy on the bilområdet. Thus, one must have hold of the whip, if the transport sector should deliver its contribution to reduce emissions of CO2, he says to the newspaper.

At FDM recognises the head of department Torben Lund Kudsk, that the development is going the wrong way. Among other things, because the higher SUVere provides more wind resistance, which increases the energy consumption and leads to a greater emission of CO2.

According to The International energy Agency, IEA, has SUVerne since 2010 globally increased klimabelastningen much more than the increasing air traffic.

environment minister Dan Jørgensen (S) has not wanted to comment on the case against Jyllands-Posten, while the transport minister Benny Engelbrecht (S) not returned on the newspaper’s request.

In the current finanslovsforhandlinger is working to reduce CO2 emissions one of many topics being discussed by the parties.
