The basics :

The new team should count, according to the Élysée, “a twenty ministers and deputy ministers” whose names should be shelled before 20 hours by the secretary-general of the presidency, Alexis Kohler.Emmanuel Macron recalled Sunday, the lines of force of the last part of his five-year term as “a government of mission and rally” will have to put in work : “the revival of the economy, continued reform of our social protection and the environment, and re-establishment of a republican order fair” or ” defend european sovereignty “.Decided to pick up the pace to try and forget the debacle of municipal and tackle the crises post-coronavirus, the new couple executive should first announce the ministers, according to a relative of the president, and the secretaries of State a few days later.If some of the current ministers, such as Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, were seen at the Elysée palace, the entourage of the head of State was assured that there would be “new talent” and ” personalities coming from different backgrounds “.

17: 15 – Jean Castex at the economic Council, social and environmental

After you have visited on Sunday a police station in Seine-Saint-Denis, the new Prime minister, Jean Castex, today visited the Senate and then to the national Assembly. The head of the government has then decided to go to the economic Council, social and environmental where he is now.

17: 01 – Laurent Berger called Jean Castex, in the dialogue

The secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, called Monday on LCI, the new prime minister, Jean Castex, to enroll in a “logic of dialogue” with the unions. “Otherwise, we’re going to watch the trains pass (…) there is nothing that is going to change”, warned the union leader. Just arrived at Matignon, Jean Castex inherits the difficult issue of pensions.

16: 48 – The last hours of Edward Philippe Matignon

“Be good !” It is on this last board that Edward Philip, re-elected mayor of le Havre last Sunday, has bowed out in the courtyard of the hotel de Matignon. Meanwhile, the former Prime minister has scrapped until the end in behind the scenes to be reappointed.
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16: 40 – Recovery of the economy and defence of the european sovereignty

the president of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, recalled on Sunday that the new team will have to implement several projects ranging from “economy” to the “defence of the european sovereignty”.

16: 32 – An announcement in a two-step

According to the entourage of the head of State, the announcement should be done in two stages with a first floor devoted to the ministers and then, in a second time, the secretaries of State. On the will of Emmanuel Macron to usher in a new stage, the relatives of the president of the Republic announced the “new talent” as well as “personalities coming from different backgrounds”.

16: 16 – A “twenty ministers and deputy ministers”

The government led by Jean Castex must maintain a “twenty ministers and deputy ministers,” announced yesterday, the Élysée palace to the AFP. The team led by Édouard Philippe had 16 ministers, 3 deputy ministers and 17 State secretaries.