On Tuesday 1st September will be somewhat particular to the 12.4 million students who are going to do their back-to-school. The back-to-school will be with a health protocol lightweight compared to June of last year, but still the epidemic of coronavirus poses the threat of a hardening of the rules.
working spaces set to the time of the epidemic and the mask-wearing becomes compulsory, including in the open spaces. Only the individual offices will be excepted.
In France, a little over 3,000 new cases of infection with the coronavirus have been recorded between Monday and Tuesday, announced public Health France. A figure lower than the previous days with a peak reached on Friday (7 000 new cases) and 5 400 case about Saturday and Sunday.

The pandemic of the novel coronavirus has done more than 847 500 deaths in the world since the WHO office in China has reported the appearance of the disease at the end of December, according to a report drawn up by the Agence France-Presse from official sources on Monday in the late afternoon. More than 25.3 million cases of infection have been diagnosed since the beginning of the epidemic.

07: 27 – Peru, the country with the highest mortality due to a coronavirus

With 87 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants, according to data compiled by Agence France-Presse from official figures, Peru has exceeded the last week Belgium (85), after that the latter has lowered the number of deaths due to the pandemic Covid-19. For the government, one of the main reasons of this is the sake of “transparency” by the authorities that rely on an accounting system among the “best” of Latin America. A system of poor health, suffering from chronic under-investment, poor families and crowded dwellings are rather pointed. With 652 037-confirmed cases and 28 944 dead, the Peru is the third country in Latin America the most grief-stricken after Brazil (212 million people) and Mexico (128 million inhabitants).

07: 02 – More than 25.3 million cases

The pandemic of the novel coronavirus has done more than 847 500 deaths in the world since the WHO office in China has reported the appearance of the disease at the end of December, according to a report drawn up by the Agence France-Presse from official sources on Monday in the late afternoon. More than 25.3 million cases of infection have been diagnosed since the beginning of the epidemic. After the United States, the countries most affected are Brazil, with 121 381 dead, India (64 469), Mexico (64 of 158), and the United Kingdom (41 501).

06: 59 – Back to school for 12.4 million students

on Tuesday 1st September will be somewhat particular to the 12.4 million students who are going to do their back-to-school. The back-to-school will be with a health protocol reduced compared to last June. This fall unique is ” well prepared “, said Monday the minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, for which she must be ” normal “.

06: 56 – Mask mandatory for companies

As announced in mid-August, the compulsory wearing of the mask is extended to companies starting this Tuesday, September 1st. This “systematic” or “generalization” of wearing a mask – the minister and its services do not use the term “obligation” – applies to areas such as ” meeting rooms, corridors, locker rooms, open spaces “. The detailed protocol has been published by the ministry of Labour, pending possible adjustments mentioned by the minister Elizabeth Terminal.


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Covid-19 – Back to school : are we gonna get there ? Telework at the time of the Covid in 11 questions Coignard – Masks : the debate trapped free Mask mandatory in the enterprise : a puzzle in economic and legal Companies : the receipt of all the dangers ! Coignard – Covid-19 : the new ministry of fear