It is great that the danes for the first time led a same-sex couple for the dancing with the stars victory, reads it.

Although it was clearly touched dansepar consisting of actor Jakob Fauerby and dancer Silas Holst as a Friday evening race with the victory in “dancing with the stars,” they were not the only winners.

It takes Susanne Branner Jespersen, which is forperson in LGBT Denmark, which is a national association for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

– I think we all feel that we won a little yesterday.

– It is lovely, because it is the danes who have voted them in, so it feels like popular support, she says.

She believes that it is particularly positive that it just was the tv-viewers at home in the living rooms, which sent the pair to the top.

– It can be great to know that out there in the Danish home is a lot of children and Perabet young people who have seen that here one can easily, and maybe thinking that it is perfectly okay, says Susanne Branner Jespersen.

this is The first time in history that a same-sex couple win the competition.

In Israel, Austria and Italy, had a same-sex couple in dansekonkurrencen, but none of them have won.

Although Friday’s victory is a step in the right direction, so that the witnesses attention on the pair that the gay still stands out in Denmark, believes Susanne Branner Jespersen.

– It is an expression of the fact that we have not reached so far in Denmark, as people go to and imagine themselves.

– It should perhaps be just who you’re dancing with, but that is good enough by far to that it is not remarkable, it sounds.

From Mogens Jensen (S), who is also minister for food, fisheries and gender equality, also sounds a big congratulations to the vinderparret. As the minister for gender equality coordinates the he, the government’s efforts on the LGBT area.

– Historical and game well! Big warm congratulations to Jakob Fauerby and Silas Holst with the victory tonight. A victory for the right to be who you are, and dance with the one will, he wrote Friday night on Twitter.
