Back in Brazil, it is Lasse’s wife Iamae Petersen Giacchino still appalled at the treatment she received from the Danish immigration authorities for nearly six weeks ago.

A treatment which has now given rise to a praksisændring with the authorities, informs the aliens and integration, Mattias Tesfaye (S).

“Udlændingenævnet have a maybe a little square practice today and in the future they will go a little more flexible to the task,” says Mattias Tesfaye to B. T. after reading the official statement of the course.

On Friday, the couple had admitted their error in the application for family reunification, and Iamae had booked his plane ticket home.

Before she left, would the couple know if they still had a case running, or whether she should apply for it anew from Brazil. It appeared to them are not clear of the authorities ‘ refusal.

the Answer was they do not. Instead, police were summoned. Iamae was arrested.

the Case prompted the minister to demand an explanation from the authorities involved, as he now have read through.

“There is not any public employees who have done something wrong. They have followed the rules. But I will as well admit that this case has made an impression on me,” says Mattias Tesfaye, and continues:

“I Therefore also think it is good that the authorities in the future adjust their practices, so they make a more individual assessment of what to do when the people come, and they have no legal stay in Denmark. Here is the speech of a woman who stands with an air ticket, and it must take into account when handling a case.”

Mattias Tesfaye has repeatedly stated that he stands for a strict immigration policy, but not a crazy immigration policy.

It is also the case here.

“We can, as politicians, not think our way into any situation, and therefore there must be a possibility to act flexibly in concrete situations,” he says.

Radical Liberal party udlændingeordfører, Andreas Jojobet Steenberg, who has tabled a number of questions to the minister, welcomes that the authorities will now assess the situation individually, before they call the police.

“But the whole regime, to Danish nationals almost being treated worse than criminals, I have no aspirations, are made on. It is a part of a tight immigration policy, that Danish nationals are not given help to understand the rules,” he says.

the Minister believes, however, that it is important to distinguish between guidance and advice.

“the Authorities’ vejledningspligt goes on to tell how the rules are. But there is a difference between guiding and then performing the assistance and support, as a legal aid will be able to,” he says, and acknowledges that many of them just seek professional assistance, because immigration laws are so complicated.

What if you stand with a letter, where the authorities have the answer something you find difficult to understand?

“It is quite common vejledningspligt. The authorities can’t say ‘if you do a, b or c, then you get a residence permit’. But of course, I am concerned that there is a high level of service by the immigration authorities, and that you get the answers to the questions you are asking,” says the minister.

After barely six weeks – and a ministerindblanding – have Iamae and Lasse finally got the answers to their questions:

They have not a case about family reunification in the running. They must seek anew.