He promised, from July 15, “a firm response and without complacency” in the face of insecurity. The Prime minister, Jean Castex, announced, Thursday, July 23, in Besançon, that he would “very shortly” to Nice, where a shooting took place in broad daylight, adding that the government would “ads concrete” in the face of violence ” unacceptable “.

“It is a topic of critical, major,” said the head of the government, when asked by reporters about a number of incidents of violence that have taken place in recent days, including a shooting, Monday, in broad daylight, in front of a supermarket in the sensitive area of the Mills is Nice, especially known to be a place of drug trafficking in the city. “There are acts profoundly unacceptable. I’m going to very soon make me Nice and we will make announcements of concrete to fight against these acts unacceptable, ” said Jean Castex, in the margin of a journey to Besançon for the employment of young people.

also Read reinforcements police in Nice after several shootings

Christian Estrosi calls for “additional resources”

In Nice, a video posted online by an inhabitant of the neighbourhood of the Mills is heard a gun battle and watch the men running in the distance, under the eye of the customers to the entrance of the facility. The mayor (LR) of Nice, Christian Estrosi, called on the “additional resources” and a ” plan of immediate action to restore order “, as it considered the situation of the neighborhood of the Mills ” very worrying “.

Jean Castex has made the fight against crime one of its priorities. In its policy statement, on July 15, he promised “a firm response and without complacency,” to ” unacceptable facts which exacerbate the French “, citing the violence ” committed in the districts of Grésilles and Chenôve to Dijon, the vile onslaught against a bus driver in Bayonne, the observation-apens tendus to the representatives of the forces of law and order and to our fire fighters in some neighborhoods, the traffic at the bottom of the staircase, the trivialization of the crime of everyday life.”

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The bus driver assaulted in Bayonne died, The prefecture of police, threatening the safety of police officers Jean Castex, first roped to the rural Castex, the man who has captivated the social partners