This is the beautiful story of the moment in India. A father has been reunited with his family, which he had removed without the want to two years ago, thanks to the social network TikTok, which is to publish short videos and the use of which has soared during the confinement everywhere in the world. As explained by the BBC, it is a friend of the family that is believed to recognize mr. Venkateshwarlu on a video published by Ajaib Singh. The latter, a police officer, followed by nearly 800 000 people on TikTok, had been filmed while he was distributing food to people living on the street in Ludhiana, a city in the State of Punjab, in the north of the country.

Among these persons was mr. Venkateshwarlu, whose age is not specified. His family was looking for him for over two years. At the time, this worker, married and the father of five children, lived in a village in the southern State of Telangana, at nearly 2,000 kilometers from Ludhiana. His family had no news of him since April of 2018, while it was mounted in a truck to seek work in a village nearby. “My father fell asleep and the driver of the truck did not know he was there. Several miles later, the driver realized that my father was in the truck and it has, therefore, been deposited in the middle of the road and left it there “, tells her son to the BBC.

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Stroke of luck

Suffering from the problem of speech and hearing, mr. Venkateshwarlu has then made the stop to hope to return home. But he found himself by mistake at Ludhiana, an industrial city of more than 1.4 million people, in a State of which he does not speak the language, punjabi. He had lived since thanks to donations of food of the inhabitants. His family had attempted to find it with the assistance of the local police to several thousands of kilometres away in Telangana, but without success. Until this stroke of luck and this video TikTok.

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Contacted, the police of Ludhiana has found mr. Venkateshwarlu, who was able to talk with his son on the phone. “We were both in tears when we saw each other for the first time. He asked me to come back home, by informing her, ” says her son. They were asked to wait for the end of the containment in India, recently extended until may 31, ” at a minimum “, to organize the reunion. “But we couldn’t wait that long to see it, so we managed to get a licence that would allow me to travel across the States,” says his son, who has finally brought his father to the house Tuesday after a trip that lasted a week.