Health. Édouard Philippe will open Monday afternoon on the ” Ségur health “, the name of the address of the ministry of Olivier Véran, who has promised to go “fast” and “strong” to support the claims – including-salary – of caregivers who were exhausted by the crisis of the sars coronavirus. This consultation meets a commitment of Emmanuel Macron, who had promised the end of march, ” a massive plan of investment and revaluation “. At the helm : former CFDT, Nicole Notat, the first woman to have led a large trade union.

Automotive. Emmanuel Macron has to make “important announcements” on Tuesday as part of a plan to support the automobile sector is suffering from the pandemic. “This plan has various components : sovereignty, industrial, and transition to clean vehicles, and also aims to preserve the competitiveness of the sector,” said a source at the Agency France-Presse. According to Le Parisien, the tenant of the Elysée will present a plan that will include the recovery of a premium for the purchase of a hybrid vehicle and an increase in favor of electric cars and the premium to the conversion of an old diesel.

Read also Déconfinement : the astonishing plebiscite of the automobile

Religion. The catholic bishops look forward to : the cults are going to be able to resume the ceremonies with public as early as Tuesday. The Prime minister has been summoned by the Council of State to lift the ban on worship imposed in the decree of déconfinement, re-writing by the end of the week a new text. What is the threshold maximum occupancy, what is the date for the resumption ? The christians think that this will be effective to celebrate Pentecost Sunday, 31. Many parishes say they are ready, having planned actions and gestures barrier strict.

Renault. , who is Torn between the harsh reality of economic and political pressures, the largest automaker, already weakened since many months and then brought down by the health crisis, this week a recovery plan, which promises to be painful. It will also need to take into account the situation much better for Nissan, the plan of a Rhombus inscribed in the continuity of the strategy of the alliance franco-japanese and the new contours are expected Wednesday.

Read also Renault and the Covid-19 : the high contrast of the SGC

Justice. Definitively convicted for tax fraud, Patrick and Isabelle Balkany will know Wednesday the fate of their reserve, the Paris court of appeal for offences of money laundering aggravated. The former mayor of Levallois-Perret, france, 71 years of age, released in mid-February for health reasons after five months in detention, should be present at the hearing. Five years imprisonment, of which one year suspended sentence, and ten years of ineligibility have been required against him, and four years in prison, including two suspended, and ten years of inégibilité have been required against his wife and first assistant.

Muncipales. The government will take on Wednesday in the Council of ministers the decree setting Sunday, June 28, the second round of the municipal elections, in the more than 5 000 municipalities where it is required. The decision could be reviewed if the health situation demanded it.

also Read “the institutions of the Fifth Republic are more suited to crisis management”

Unemployment. job center will make public on Thursday the number of unemployed in April : after a month of march already marked by a historic high (+7.1 per cent), these figures should be a reflection of the violent shock of the health crisis and containment on the French economy. They should also re-start the calls of trade unions to bury the reform of unemployment insurance, while the government has merely promised to” quickly adapt ” to the rules.

real Estate. After the containment, the real estate is more than a pile of rubble ? The quarterly figures of sales in the former, Thursday, and the construction of new housing, Friday, will give first clues on the state of this economic sector is critical, and the behaviour of the French in the face of their first item of expenditure (Friday).

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