Who is not familiar with the popular children’s programme on Sunday morning. Next year it is 50 years old. And the program with the mouse this week several times in German politics and economy. But As Julia Klöckner is. The Julia is in Germany, the Minister for agriculture. In this function, it is also for animal welfare responsible. From the mouse over the cat to the dog, pig and cattle. And when the cat sneezes or the dog snores, then this could be the animal is a sign of Corona. Therefore, need to be tested since this week in Germany, these animals and reported. At the same time an animal is Infected large slaughterhouse again to the Hotspot for about 650. No, not animals, but people. People, the living conditions in cheap labour and living, because the people is probably jumped into the meat processing is still not a Minister to one side. Sounds weird, but it is so.

Salmon and factual stories

The Corona-Warning-App is here. More than 6 million Downloads on the first day courage. Relief when the person responsible is spreading, as you feared, the App will airport, a digital “big project” à la Berlin. But the Salmon – it was a factual story, and after all that the App does what was promised and sets digital Standards with the highest security. Look, even the Germans can digital. I’m in, and I have the App already in use. You with also, we live both safer.

Speaking of join: what is Wirecard-shareholders participate in this week, is a 1A-scandal in German economic history. Already a couple of issues ago, I had recommended to prefer the competitor Fiserv or Adyen in the Depot as Wirecard, but the current extent of the price fall of over 50%, this week dramatically. Trigger the refusal of the Testates to the annual financial statements by the auditor is. The missing 1.9 billion euros in the group. Ouch! This will need to the management Board and the Supervisory Board to answer to. Where is the Chairman of the audit Committee and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Thomas Eichelmann? The will to explain a lot of things have. And these declarations are not so amusing as in the Salmon and factual stories. This also applies to captain “brown”bear, for all of its shareholders will feel just like Hein Blöd. Who knew what and who informs? Where are the funds of the company, or the Whole thing was just a pirate story of captain? Attention: terms of imprisonment threaten. Nonny card!

Sounds funny, but it is so

A good Mouse program ends, but never without a happy-making Story. So my today’s column. The German government has decided to 50. Birthday of the show with the mouse, a 20-Euro silver coin to leave. Of course, with the likeness of the mouse. If this is not the opportunity to make their silver stock to increase. Finally, the shipment is with the mouse for a lot of a heritage of their own Childhood and with the new coin is also a potentially profitable investment. Love mouse Fans, even if many children today still believe the broadcast with the mouse is an order to the Computer at Amazon, so let’s hope that this Format remains a further 50 years. From the mouse.

This article by Volker Schilling

*The contribution of “In the sign of the mouse” was written and published by LOOT. Contact with the executives here.
