For more than 10 million people in Germany have registered a company in consequence of the current Coronavirus-crisis short-time work. And many of them have to adjust to the fact that the Treasury asks at the end of the year for the performance of the Fund – the short-time work is sometimes as a control case.

Because of the massive negative impact of the pandemic on the German economy, the Federal government has loosened the regulations regarding short-time work: Only 10 percent of the employees of an establishment must be of the loss of work affected – and then the employer will have to register short-time work. Previously, the threshold was 30 percent.

Staggered increase in the short-time working money

the height of The short-time allowance amounts to 60 percent of the failed net salary for childless workers and 67 percent for parents in whose household a child lives.

On the 22. April 2020, agreed by the government on a phased increase in the short-time working money. For this purpose, the Association “United wage tax help e. V.”: “Who refers to it for at least half of reduced hours of work, receives from the fourth month of 70 percent of lost wages, with children 77 percent. From the seventh month of the subscription, it then rises to 80 percent or 87 percent with children.”

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short-time work allowance is tax-free – but it applies to the income adds

It is: All forms of short-time work are tax-free. However, recipients are not automatically obliged to file a tax return if you receive benefits from more than 410 euros. It is a Declaration of obligation for all who get this state, with a portion of the net loss of wages is compensated, there is the Federal Chairman of the tax Union, Thomas eigenthaler told the “süddeutsche Zeitung”: “We expect as a tax Union, and that this will lead to a lot of Trouble and misunderstanding.”

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in Addition, the services are subject to the so-called progression. And here is the crux begins at the history Behind the term, the following rule hides The originally tax-free money is briefly expected to work at the end of the year as income. It must, therefore, be taxed. It may well be that the income tax Declaration is accompanied by an additional Payment.

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The knock of the IRS at the end of the year, especially for working married couples financially painful to be. They must unite to count according to the wage tax, with payments of several Hundred euros, because: the higher the income, the higher the tax liability.

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To the Ticket-Shop-spouse-Splitting short

couples who are married or partnered, can be “aggregated,” explains. The predisposition to be couples for tax purposes, a Person treated and the saves in most of the cases money, because the income tax is calculated differently now. This calculation method is called spouse Splitting.

is expected in the spouse-Splitting:

1. It is the year that counts the income of both partners in half the amount and a calculated half the income tax.

2. The calculated income tax will be doubled and the result is the income tax paid by the couple.

tax consultant Stefan Bürker explains in an interview with “B4B economic life of Swabia”: “The taxation in Germany is determined according to the capacity of the Taxpayer. Low income will be a percentage charged less tax than a higher income. Tax-free income to increase the efficiency of the Taxpayer. A citizen with taxable income and additional tax-free income, is more powerful than a citizen who has the taxable income. And this should also be reflected in the taxation, therefore, of progression.”

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More on tax topics:

  • beware of the tax Declaration: these 3 information, the IRS looks very carefully

millions of German citizens need to annually submit their income tax Declaration. In the examination of the financial officials focus on important key figures. The financial administration in North Rhine-Westphalia, there are now clues as to what is in the view point. This is likely to apply in other States.

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Because of the Corona changes apply in this year, some tax relief for Employees. So you need to be for the Rest of the year special payments of up to 1,500 euros is not taxed. Also in the case of tax refunds, there is now an expanded game room. What you need to know now.

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