Last new year had 61 children in the emergency room due to accidents with fireworks. The majority of them between 11-14 years.

About two weeks shoot we again a new year with partying, but even though the number of accidents with fireworks are generally falling, then saw the hospitals one specific type of injuries increase among children. It will now be the site of the Accident Analysis Group of Odense university Hospital to warn.

Last year, increased the number of eye injuries among children, where only half had safety glasses on, writing Fyens Stiftstidende.

“It is far from satisfactory, only half of the injured children had safety goggles on last new year,” says senior consultant Jens Lauritsen and continues:

“the Use of safety goggles is clearly the best way to protect against eye injuries. This is true both when one is a spectator, and when you turn up. Therefore, I can not stress enough how important it is to use safety glasses.”

Last year was more than every third fyrværkeriulykke among children under 15 years of age an eye injury, how many of them was due to the rockets. In total there were 225 fyrværkeriulykker for all age groups.

another important detail, as the Accident Analysis, the Group notes, is that children even ignited the fireworks in half of all accidents.

the Problem is that kids don’t always even understand the risk, why it is adults who should be to ignite the fireworks in the evening. The recommendation is that there should always be an adult present and remember to instruct the children in the sikkerhedsrådene about the fireworks.